by GemsFromJen 
For all of you have been readers, questioners, and part of 100hookup, I would like to take this opportunity to bid all of you a fond farewell.
It has been a pleasure being a part of the JBlog. I have enjoyed every minute of it! Thank you for all of your questions and comments, it was always a pleasure.
Keep in mind when venturing out into the dating world your happiness is of the utmost importance. Don’t settle for anything less than any of you deserve! I wish you all luck in your dating experiences and hope all of you find exactly what it is you are looking for.
Until we meet again.
Gems from Jen
Date Night,
A recent date told me he was a little bummed that I didn’t respond to his offer, not of marriage but a date. I would have responded had I gotten it… Who knows whose phone cracked under the pressure but, should it matter? I get we live in an instant, available all the time, communication world…when was the last time you sent your romantic interest an old fashioned card to open?? Not only is texting effortless but also kind-of unromantic. It puts another layer between 2 people– but I guess it is also efficient, protects egos involved, and makes it easier to decline invitations as well. It is no longer personal. I guess my thought is take a chance– put in the effort, call your interest and you’ll know first-hand the situation and you won’t have to rely on technology to “maybe” deliver the message, or have the crackberry crack under pressure.
by GemsFromJen 
Online Dating,
Dear Gems from Jen,
Is it ok to date a much younger man? Two women in my office are married to men that are at least ten years their junior. What do you think?
Dear Younger Men,
It all depends upon what you are comfortable with. I know for me I would want to spend my time with someone who understands the cultural references from my generation. However, what works for one person does not necessarily mean it will work for the next person. The most important part of any relationship is compatibility. If your co-workers are happy and compatible with their husbands then I say more power to them! As long as the people involved are comfortable, then no, there is nothing wrong with it.
Gems from Jen
Single Life
Recently 100hookup passed on to me some fan mail. This is significant because my blogger moniker is different than my profile moniker so it is a little hard to locate me (shhh). Well, I’m flattered. Who knew MOTs followed the blogs. I’ve never claimed to be a therapist, a dating expert or the like. I’m just a thirty-something caught between the Moon and New York City (name that movie/song for $100 bonus) looking for her Lobster (as Ross so eloquently put it on the TV show Friends).
by GemsFromJen 
Dear Gems from Jen,
I am coming out of an almost 24 year marriage. My husband decided he did not want me/this marriage any longer, Ouch! Anyway, I am beginning to heal. I met a man through online dating and he has been in and out of relationships for awhile, nothing has stuck. We are keeping this at a friendship level so far. He knows I am not ready to give my heart and I want to be aware not to rebound. But, we went out the other night and I wanted to kiss him, but he gently told me no and I respected this. I have never had a real male friend. I am struggling with being attracted to him and wanting to kiss and hold and be held without ruining this friendship we are trying to build. I am lonely and I am craving being held and kissed and wanted. I can’t tell if he is attracted to me this way or not. It feels like he is and he is respecting our friendship first unless I am totally hallucinating?!
What do I do?
Dear Friendship to More,
It sounds to me as if you might be a bit confused about what it is you are really looking for. On one hand you appear to be enjoying this friendship and on the other you seem to be craving physical intimacy. You are going to need to figure out what it is you truly want from this man. Is it friendship or romance? Take some time to think about this question. Once you cross the friendship line there is no turning back. Take your time, there is no rush. It appears as if he is respectful of your friendship, so while you are thinking about what it is you really want, enjoy having a new friend!
Gems from Jen
by GemsFromJen 
Online Dating,
Single Life
Dear Gems from Jen,
At what point does one introduce their new romance to their son?
Dear Introductions,
You haven’t given me a lot to go on here, but I’ll give it a shot. How old is your son? Where is your son’s other parent? How long have you been dating this person? Are you in a serious committed relationship? What does your son know about your dating life?
These are just some of the questions you will need to ask yourself before making this decision. Bringing romantic partners in and out a child’s life can create unnecessary damage to the child. I always suggest to parents in this situation that before an introduction is made there is only one partner and it is a committed relationship. If you are serious and monogamous with this other person and they are aware that your son and you are a package deal then my best suggestion is to go ahead and introduce your son to your partner. Please make sure that your partner is in it for the long haul and your son is aware the new person is not replacing the other parent.
Gems from Jen
Date Night,
Online Dating,
Single Life
I have never seen the show Gossip Girl and can’t tell you a thing about the show except apparently the use of the letters XOXO is abundant. Courting can be fun and exciting, but from a recent poll taken over martinis (four), girlfriends agree that unless you are close (i.e. have been dating for some time and intimate), signing a text or email XOXO in the very beginning is just plain cheesy and creepy. Daters Beware.
by GemsFromJen 
Online Dating
Dear Gems from Jen,
How do I get somebody who got my attention to answer my messages since no matter how many Flirts or e-cards I sent him, he would not respond?
I can see that he is still single as he in online every day.
Dear J-Messaging,
Sometimes one can over-do things. It sounds to me as if you are chasing someone who is probably not interested. If you have sent e-mails and Flirts and still have not received a response, my best guess is this particular person is just not looking to get to know you better.
Take this as a sign to move on to other profiles. Don’t waste your time and energy on this guy any longer. I’m pretty sure there are a bunch of other guys on 100hookup looking to get to know someone like yourself. Spend your time emailing and flirting with people who are willing to respond. Good luck!
Gems from Jen