So Much Viewing
under JBloggers,Online DatingDear Gems from Jen,
Why do so many men view your profile, you view theirs, and then nothing comes of it?
I feel that talking to someone is interesting, and also helps to see who meshes with you.
Dear So Much Viewing,
Viewing a profile is one thing, corresponding is another. I agree, talking to people is usually interesting and it is generally a good way of determining if there is some common ground. Contact does not mean marriage; it means going out on a limb and making oneself a bit vulnerable. My suggestion is to start the conversation with these men who have viewed your profile but haven’t made contact. The worst that could happen is they are not interested. You will not have lost anything. You might be surprised with the responses you get and meet some interesting people in the process. Someone has to make the first move, so why not take your dating life into your own hands and you do the following through?
Gems from Jen