Online Dating,
Admittedly, I’m an old fashioned gal. It took me a while to accept that in today’s age the majority of couples that get together meet ala the Internet. What happened to kismet? Can you imagine what our great-grandparents would think…you met your Beshert how? On the computer? What is that? And how do you meet someone?… Fast Forward …not only do couples meet on the Internet but people text each other to set up those dates. The sport of dating has turned into a practice of efficiency and multi-tasking. Is the ever present accessibility beneficial or destructive? And then of course there is even IMing. I recognize I may be in the minority here but I prefer not to spend my free time in front of the computer and when I log on to 100hookup, I like it to be a quick venture. Respond to some emails and log off. But inevitably some guys prefer to chat via IM. I prefer to be outside playing and meeting “you” in person… I’m guessing some people find it efficient and effective verses the back and forth of “old fashion emails.”
I know online dating works. I have met so many people who have met their partners this way. And yes, even including my mom and her current sweetie. Perhaps this old fashion gal has to give-in to technology, IMing and this modern age of dating.
by Tamar Caspi 
Date Night,
Online Dating,
Dear Tamar,
I am completely baffled. I have had a series of dates recently, which I have considered successful. Good conversations and nice dinners lasting more than two hours. I am always taken to very nice restaurants and the men seem thoroughly engaged. I get thanked for actually looking like my photo and receive compliments during the meal. Sometimes there is even a substantial kiss goodnight…then I hear nothing further. The process is becoming very tiresome because I can’t figure out where I go wrong.
I know the answer is to keep dating and the right one will come along, but I don’t understand the lack of real interest among these guys. It seems like a sport that men just like to take women out. Personally, I don’t get it. These meals are $100+ because most seem to order a bottle of wine. Why blow that much money? It just doesn’t make sense.
Dear WTF?,
Ugh, I totally remember being in your shoes and it was beyond frustrating! I can totally empathize. Unfortunately, as you said, the obvious answer is to keep dating and wait until your beshert comes along. But there are some other things you can do in the meantime… try to use this opportunity for some introspection. Look at yourself from an outsider’s perspective: What kind of vibes are you giving off? How much information are you sharing about yourself? Do you really see yourself with the men you’re on dates with? By answering those questions (and any others you think of) I believe you will find yourself having more productive and successful dates. Don’t give up. Oh, and if the guys want to drop that kind of cash on you and then not call you — it’s their loss, literally! Good luck!
Single Life
Would you date your friend’s spouse/girlfriend (assuming they were single and didn’t date your friend previously)? In this fast-paced world that runs at Internet speed high-speed, it can seem that you didn’t get the “memo” or overshot the empty musical chair when it comes to love. The older you get, more of your high school friends now have their own families and you wonderingly remain the Lone Ranger of the group. But you also probably recognize that of your friends’ spouses/significant others, it is unlikely that any were a candidate to be your Bashert nor do you wish you met them first in the airport before your friend dropped that one-liner that lead them to the altar. After this observation, I let out a sigh and felt a rejuvenated optimism that there is a lid for every pot, it’s just that yours jus may be temporarily detained in customs.
by Sara 
I recently turned to my husband and thanked him – thanked him for inspiring me to create a website for those who have fallen in love and decided to get married.
It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was nursing a broken heart and considering starting a site for those who were scorned. It’s a good thing that my husband and my chance encounter on 100hookup changed both my life and my career direction!
My tossing bouquet made out of 100hookup profiles
A funny thing happens when you meet your spouse on 100hookup – you find out how many other couples met on 100hookup too. Some stats: Nearly half of my married hookup friends met their spouses on 100hookup. I recently attended my high school reunion and learned that four out of five of my married hookup classmates met on 100hookup as well. After I launched hookup Wedding Network, I started receiving submissions from bloggers, and when questioned on how they met their fiancés, nearly half of them answered, you guessed it – 100hookup. Those are some pretty amazing statistics!
Why am I telling you all this? For those of you who have met your beshert on 100hookup, I say “Mazel Tov.” For those of you who have not yet met anyone, I say “hang in there.” I know how hard it can be to feel as though you may never meet “The One.” I was in that position too, as well as many of my friends who are now married. Over the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing some incredible stories of couples who met here on 100hookup. I hope to one day share your story too.