The Profile
under JBloggers,Online DatingDear Gems from Jen,
Hello, I have enjoyed your site for about a month now. I like the way it is set up and all the wonderful features. One feature tells me how many people have seen my profile. I noticed that 100 men have viewed my profile, yet no takers. I have two pretty photos there and an essay that I put a lot of thought into.
I know it only takes one good match, but I was wondering if there is something wrong with my profile. Maybe the problem is that I am a 52 year old separated woman with a 12 year old. I can’t figure out “what’s wrong.” I am open to any advice – Madeline
Dear Madeline,
100 men, wow! Do yourself a favor and re-read through your profile. Pictures are only one part of the story. Are you explaining who you are and what you can offer to a potential relationship? Have you captured the true essence of what you are really about? Do you explain what it is you are looking for? Are you too specific? Are you too vague? Your profile advertises who you are and you want to ensure that you represent yourself in the best possible light.
As for your status as being separated I can see why that might pose a problem for some men. I would make sure that in your profile you make it very clear that you are moving forward with your divorce and are not looking for a rebound relationship. Let your profile viewers know that you are serious about finding a potential mate. Having a 12- year-old may not appeal to every man, but you have a child and there are men out there who do not have a problem meeting and dating someone with a child. Your child is your first priority and the two of you are a package deal. Make sure you make this point very clear in your profile.
Gems from Jen