by Tamar Caspi 
People often say that their #1 priority in a relationship is honesty, but is honesty the best policy?
In general, of course, you should always tell the truth. But, there are some little white lies that are acceptable when you’re just beginning to date. But what about once you’re in a serious relationship? Is it okay to bend the truth to protect someone’s feelings or is the truth always best? Sometimes being honest will make you feel vulnerable, but trying to bury how you feel will only make things worse in the long run. Trust your loved one to be truthful with them.
Are there any types of lies that you think are acceptable when you’re in a relationship?
by Tamar Caspi 
Date Night,
Online Dating,
Single Life
Call it what you want, but when you aren’t telling the truth — the whole truth, and nothing but the truth — then it’s lying.
Telling a date a half-truth now because it sounds better than the actual truth means that if the relationship progresses, the whole truth will eventually come out… and then your now boyfriend/girlfriend could be upset that you weren’t entirely honest from the get-go.
Omitting the truth is another form of lying. When the truth comes out, you will end up with more issues then you would if you just told the truth from date one. I’m not saying you have to be an open book and admit everything under the sun, but when the time comes to be clear on a topic, do so! Think about the repercussions before you decide how to answer — is it worth not being forthright?