by jpompey 
Online Dating,
Single Life
In a previous post I discussed the notion that most guys love bad girls. This has to do with many factors, including the visual apeal, sexuality, and fun personality most bad girls exhibit.
Today I would like to discuss one more aspect of the bad girl that men love. I am referring to the perceived lifestyle of someone who is a bad girl.
Millions of girls out there are clingy at times, overly dramatic within a relationship, and create a lot of conflicts.
Bad girls often have the perceived image that they will not be hung up on every little thing you do. They appear to have lives outside of online dating and plenty of other interests to keep them happy. This is a turn on for many men when compared to the idea of a girl whose life revolves completely around a man.
When all is said and done, this can be very appealing. Except of course, if you love being the focus of attention 24/7?
by JeremySpoke 
I do not know how many people read this blog. When I started writing here, I was told that I would get thousands of readers. Again, I don’t know how many people read this, but if it’s thousands, then I am not a good writer. You would think that if thousands of people read this, then the last comment that this blog got wouldn’t have been years ago to a post someone wrote about Jennifer Aniston being hookup (which she is not).
If you read this blog, and you are not the parents of any of the bloggers, please let us know, because we are losing faith that anything we write is being read. It’s almost as if I am writing to myself. My mom said I should change my blogging picture, but I am pretty sure that I look similar in any picture of myself. In fact, any picture taken of me over the past seven years looks strikingly similarly like myself.
If you are reading this, please go to my 100hookup profile and let me know. You don’t even have to be a girl. If I receive an anonymous flirt that is obviously from someone that doesn’t have a subscription and says something like “How is it that you haven’t been snatched up yet?” I will be perfectly happy. I will let the other 100hookup Bloggers know of any encounters that I make with the rest of the world.
All of the bloggers on here are extremely talented and passionate about what they say. From the dating experts, who actually do get readers, to the simple 100hookuprs® that are fortunate enough to write on this site, we are all just looking for some kind of contact. We often spill our souls to strangers in the vain hope that somebody has had a shared or similar experience. If I knew that one person read what I wrote, and it made them laugh or cry, or even feel angry, vengeful, or cynical, I would be extremely happy. Shower in the sequence of sorrows that is my life.