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Archive for the ‘JBloggers’ Category

The Kosher Chili Cook-Off

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers,100hookup

For those reading this who do not live in Texas (or Memphis where they have a Kosher BBQ cook-off) the Kosher Chili Cook-Off is a big deal in Dallas, Austin and Houston. Around 50 teams in Dallas and 20 in Austin prepare diligently, starting at 8am. They cook for hours, and won’t stop till the final vote is cast at 3pm to make sure they make the best chili and procure the most amount of votes. One kosher ingredient can make all the difference.

Every team starts with the same amount of meat, around 18-22 pounds of it, unless, of course, you happen to be on a vegetarian team. What ingredients you use next is up to you, just as long as it stays kosher. Many people spend days searching for the perfect recipe and then working out the math to make sure the amount of other ingredients correlates to the amount of meat provided. There are certain rules of chili cook-offs to abide by, like don’t cook all the meat at once, and don’t put all the jalapenos in at once, so children and the elderly don’t burn their mouths eating it. You win with a combination of great chili and a personality that endears you to the general public.

Dating is the same way. Regardless of what you think, everyone starts on the same plane, with the same amount of meat (relatively). It’s the ingredients, and your presentation, that make all the difference. Everyone buys vegetables, and chili powder, and some cumin, but what else? What sets you apart? For the chili example, our team used Dr. Brown’s Cream Soda and pineapple, giving it a tangy taste, combined with the loads of spice we put on there. Additionally, we managed to be a highly personable team, conversing with literally everyone that came by our tent and screaming wildly after someone put their vote in our bowl.

What makes you different when it comes to the dating scene? Sure you may workout five times a week, graduated magna cum laude from some school that starts with H and ends with “arvard,” and spent your childhood playing polo on the weekends with Bill Clinton, but what else? You certainly have some solid ingredients, but which one stands out when you play the dating game? When people think of you, is the aftertaste in their mouth, “Oh, he’s just a polo player from Harvard” or “He’s an engaging guy with an interesting background that not only includes that weird game called polo, but he also has tried every item on the McDonald’s dollar menu.”

Dating and the chili cook-off. You have the ingredients, so how do you combine them to achieve the best possible result?

Interviews with Women Part 2

by Adam under JBloggers,100hookup
Both of you are 21. Why be on 100hookup at such an early age? What is the benefit? What have you found so far? Does Age help or hurt?

I don’t think that it is ever too early to find your beshert. After going to a university known for its “hook-up culture,” I got tired of countless encounters with men who really didn’t appreciate me. The men my age were more interested in getting drunk than getting to know someone. I found that I connected more with men who are older and more serious about settling down and building a life with someone. I grew up in a home where Eastern European hookup influences are really strong. This means that marriage in your early twenties isn’t only considered a good thing, it is expected! I consider myself the right age to begin my journey of finding someone because this is something that takes time and shouldn’t be rushed. And for those who tell me I’m young and should enjoy my youth? I think they’re wrong – I believe happiness is only real when shared. I’m excited to find someone who wants to share life experiences with me because, trust me, my twenties will be filled with shareable moments.
Being 21 does have a certain aura about it. For the 35+ set, they find it carnally stimulating. They try to spark conversation with me and I politely decline by not responding. I am not trying to become part of someone’s “barely legal” fantasy. For the mid to late-twenties set, they become cautionary when it comes to my age. I find there is a close-mindedness that makes men believe that younger girls are immature and unable to really understand what it takes to get into a serious relationship. I am stuck between a rock and a hard place – my ideal age group is between 24 and 28, but candidates from my ideal age group often think I am “too young.” Newsflash, boys: Women are generally lightyears ahead of men on the maturity scale…
What’s it like dating in Boston/NYC? In Boston do you go on more “college-friendly” dates? Is it fast-paced or hookup-oriented?

Dating in NYC is interesting. I find it to pendulum between extremes – it’s either something that will go somewhere or something that is clearly with the intention of hooking up only. Very infrequently does it stray to the middle area. Dating in NYC can be as harsh as the city. The guys can be overly cocky, the girls are often too prissy. And those guys and gals that are actually down to earth and looking to find true love to no avail in the bar scene? They never seem to cross each other’s paths. It is like some sort of cruel serendipity.
Dating in Boston was more casual. While I wouldn’t deem it more “college-friendly,” I would definitely say it was more “college-kid-budget friendly.” I found that potential suitors were more interested in getting a drink or coffee for the first meeting, rather than committing to the full dinner. This way, they didn’t have to commit a large chunk of change to a girl who was likely not to live up to expectations. NYC dating seems more mature to me.

Quick Thought from the Weekend

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers

On Sunday, two of my best friends in the entire world got engaged. It didn’t catch anybody by surprise, since they had been dating for going on four years, so it was a matter of when, not if, and it pretty much made my week. However, many of their friends happen to be far from establishing serious relationships with a significant other.

Last week, my friend went to a baby shower. She remarked to me that out of everyone, she was the only one not in a relationship, and she was a couple of years older than I am. She’s been in many more relationships than me, and wondered aloud if she would ever find someone.

As we get into our mid-to-late 20s, and early 30s, many people think the same way as my friend (and sometimes myself too): they wonder if they will ever find someone to compliment them in life. It’s not the best way to think, especially as I alluded to in an earlier post, people are getting married later and later.

What many people don’t understand as they get caught up in the dating rush is that we all have different timelines, and different personalities that may make it harder for us to match up with people. Sometimes, you find your life partner at 18, and other times you have to wait until you’re 35. It’s unfortunate if you have to wait that long, but maybe it’s for the best.


There is no “end” in Courtship

by Adam under JBloggers,100hookup,Online Dating

Did anyone see the New York Times article on the end of courtship? It was thought-provoking, with way too many shares between females showing up on my Facebook page.

With the high amount of “Girls” references, and the myriad of examples on guys missing dates, or bouncers hooking up with girls over whiskey and boxed macaroni and cheese, the article seemed slanted against males. Girls were quoted as saying “guys don’t want to date, courtship is dead,” etc.

While “courtship” in its true 1950’s-esque definition means it is 100% on the guy to call the girl up, take her out, buy her flowers, and almost control the relationship, courtship in the millennial sense is entirely different. As I alluded to in my previous article about casual sex, we live in a time of convenience, and a time where 20 and 30-something females are on basically the same footing as males in terms of getting careers on track. It is not the era of “at 22 women will be bound to the house, studying up on Betty Crocker Recipes, and preparing themselves to be baby makers”. For the record, I don’t think my mother ever made a Betty Crocker recipe.

It’s not the end of courtship, it’s a change in courtship. I’m one who would rather call a girl to ask her out than text her. However, the problem lies when she doesn’t CALL back, but rather texts… saying that texting is easier for her. So, she really has no right to complain after setting that precedent early on in the dating cycle.

In terms of the hookup world, hookup young adults have a tendency to get married at a much older age than their other U.S. young adult counterparts. The marriage age has also increased from 21 and 23 during the 1970’s for hookup brides and grooms, to 27 and 29 in 2010. hookup young adults also have a tendency to be more career-focused than their other American young adult brethren, and millennial young adults in general have a tendency to be more transient than in generations past.

Given those facts and conclusions stated above, it is only natural that dating has undergone a change too. Courtship is still alive, but if you think you’re going to get a serious relationship out of a hook-up complete with whiskey and boxed macaroni and cheese, well, you’ve got a wide other set of problems.


by Adam under JBloggers,100hookup,Online Dating

If you are old enough to make a dating profile, you are probably also old enough to have already mastered spellcheck.

If you are old enough to make a dating profile, you hopefully are of the understanding that the use of OMG, LOL, LMAO, WTF, and other three and four-letter abbreviations make you look utterly ridiculous when used in your dating profile.

Yes, pictures matter. I’m all for witty profiles, and impeccable diction, but I’m not going to go out with you if you look like Joan Rivers.

On the other hand, even if you look like Sloan from the HBO show Entourage, but call yourself a “wrighter who wants to see if your compatible,” it brings up some cause for concern in my mind. For one, you have a lack of understanding of homophones… and you call yourself a writer. How is that going to manifest itself if we have some sort of “kemistree”? Are we going to have coherent text message conversations, or am I going to be inundated with “lol” responses when we fight via text over our Friday dinner spot?

Yes, it’s a dating profile, not a term paper. Still, your public dating profile is also a reflection of you. Make use of the auto correct feature on your phone, and the spellcheck feature on your “About Me” word document. You might be surprised at how many more people will end up messaging you.

I’ve Dated My Whole City… Now What?

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers,100hookup,Relationships

Because of my newfound fame writing dating columns for 100hookup during these past 3 months, every so often I’ll get email inquiries from men and women alike, looking to solve their dating dilemmas. This one comes from Mack B. of Austin, Texas.


Dear Dating Prognosticater,

I have a problem. I’ve been in the Austin-Round Rock metropolitan area since 1998, and have enjoyed my time here, both professionally and personally. I have a couple of problems though- I feel like I’ve dated just about every Jew in the area.

I had a four year relationship with a religious girl, before she moved to Cleveland, and was in a really high-profile relationship with a girl who brought me a lot of fame seven years ago, and just moved back to be a model at a steakhouse downtown, and I’ve dated a bunch of girls in between.

I feel like I’m damaged goods, and destined for a life of singledom. Especially since there was this one girl who really liked me, but I didn’t like her back, so she moved to Waco, and now is a famous personality in Washington D.C. I cry inside every day about that.

What should I do?

Mack B.


Mack B.,

Have no fear. I have one solution for you: Look elsewhere. Have you been doing the same activities in Austin for the last fifteen years? Have you seen your friend group change? Have you dated the same types of girls (I guess not, since you dated a religious girl and a steakhouse model)? Answer that first.

Find a new hobby. Do you go to happy hour every single Monday-Friday? It might be time to take one of those drinking days off, and go to yoga. Maybe a pottery class is in your future? Join a co-ed book club? You still want to drink heavily on one day? Well, there’s always kickball.

Having a routine is great. The great thing about dating, however, is it relies on spontaneity- you don’t find your date through search engine optimization, but through chance encounters in person and online. You’ve been dating the same girl over and over again? Might be time to look at yourself and change some of your personal characteristics. That way you won’t miss out on the girl who might be “The One”.

Is Casual Sex Becoming A More Common Trend?

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers,100hookup,Online Dating,Relationships,Single Life

“Having a thousand different ladies is pretty cool, I’ve learned in my life. I’ve (also) found out that having one woman a thousand different times is more satisfying.” – Wilt Chamberlain

For those of you who are not sports fans, Wilt Chamberlain was a Hall of Fame basketball player famous for scoring 100 points in a game on March 2, 1962. He was also famous for his claim that he had sex with over 20,000 women over the course of his adult life.

While none of you are seven foot Hall of Fame centers who star in movies as Conan the Barbarian, have a giant penthouse in Honolulu, or will sleep with what amounted to 1.37 women per day, many of you have engaged in trysts similar to Chamberlain… usually called “casual sex” or “hooking up” or other variations on “sex without emotional attachment”.

Casual sex could come in many forms- from one night stands, to that two date lawyer who became the 2 A.M. make-out, to that friend who goes from your bi-weekly coffee date to a “hey, I’ve got some wine and sushi, wanna come over” text at 7 P.M. on a Wednesday night. It is a millennial dream in some respects: a simple text, a night of intimacy, friendship intact, with no title whatsoever. Convenience.

For some in our generation who are excellent multi-taskers, casual sex can translate into dalliances with multiple men/women, so long as they share the same goals as you. As the marriage age gets older, and society becomes more free in terms of dating and sexual constraints, more and more people, especially young adults, see this option as a feasible alternative until they do decide to marry.

With this in mind, does casual sex tend to change the way you date? Do you learn more about someone through casual sex, than you would by just going on a series of dates? As a 20 or 30- something would you prefer to find the person you want to spend your life with now, or would you rather swear by the adage of “taking multiple cars on a test drive, before buying one?”

The Top 5 or so hookup Women I Resolve to Date in 2013

by Adam under Date Night,Entertainment,JBloggers,100hookup,Single Life

Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions, especially those who enjoy dating. At the beginning of each year, those single hopeless romantics create lists of 40-400 bullet points of what they are looking from in that dream hookup guy or girl, from the color of their eyes, to how they want to meet them, to their favorite sports teams. On that note, if any of you message me, and happen to be Washington Redskins fans, do not expect a response back, even if you do look like Natalie Portman.

With that in mind, here is Adam’s list of the 5 or so women I resolve to date in 2013.

  1. Dianna Agron- I don’t watch Glee, but apparently she is in this show, according to my baby brother. I am not a vegetarian either, which Agron is, however I can look past that and see that she is a dancer, which will make our first date a two-stepping date, because honestly, two-stepping is like salsa for drunk people.
  2. Amanda Bynes- Reports say she is “reevaluating” how to spend her social time. I am too, as I am considering pulling the plug on watching Dallas sports due to the pain it causes me. So Amanda, for our first date, let’s get a Venti Americano from Starbucks and watch She’s the Man.
  3. Emmy Rossum- I am a sucker for girls with brown hair and brown eyes (wait, you mean every hookup girl?), and Rossum has it, as well as a cameo in my favorite Dragonball Z movie. She also happens to be a distant cousin of Vera Wang, and a singer of Christmas songs, so Emmy, what do you say we browse Bloomingdale’s to the tune of the new Cee Lo Green Christmas Album?
  4. Melanie Laurent- My mother says I could use some world culture experience, so what better way to do that than by dating a French girl, who was in Inglorious Bastards. With that in mind, our first date would be at the gun range, firing .38 specials at paper targets with the pictures of America’s Ten Most Wanted Criminals, with the second half being at a low-key coffee shop.
  5. Jamie-Lynn Siegler aka Meadow Soprano- Cause I’d be a total step up from Turtle (Entourage character).

Happy New Year everyone.

The Morning After

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers,100hookup,Online Dating,Relationships,Single Life

It’s 9:30 AM New Year’s Day. You started drinking champagne and vodka martinis around six the night before, proceeded to shimmy your way into random New Year’s Eve parties, put your number in several people’s phones, and woke up next to some guy/girl named Jack/Jill (names adjusted based on your preference).

You both wake up, and in between shouting expletives due to your massive hangover, and your mother calling you asking you if you’ll be at the family brunch, one of you inevitably rolls over and says, “wild night, huh?”

As you both sit there in the nude, you begin piecing your night, and find out not only did you bond over the top-shelf open bar and the chocolate fondue fountain, but also a drunkenly shared appreciation of Downtown Abbey and celebrity gossip. While in the hotel, you notice next to the obligatory King James Bible is a People magazine from a month ago. You start reading it, recounting the best celebrity romances from 2012.

An hour passes. You are both still naked. You’ve hung up on your mother twice. Your head is still throbbing, but this random who you met in a state of alcoholic bliss appeals to your senses. You like being naked, with a mildly attractive-looking guy/girl and ESPN’s Rose Bowl preview in the background. You realize you have to go to work tomorrow. Your mother is calling again.

With the clock striking 1 P.M., you come to the understanding that there’s only a couple of hours remaining on your weeklong work hiatus, and while this guy/girl is charming, you did make reservations for the mimosa and chicken and waffle brunch at the American bistro downtown. You want to burn some more calories before this unlimited brunch, so you do things not appropriate to describe in a public blog, exchange numbers, and go on your merry way.

It’s January 3rd. You are sitting at work, with your email, Facebook, work website, and 100hookup tabs all open. Then you get the text…

“What are you doing tonight?”

You pray it was Mr./Miss Random, and you open up to respond, but you look at the name of the sender and it happens to be… your mother.


Manners: The Best Stalking Mechanism

by Adam under Date Night,JBloggers,100hookup,Online Dating,Relationships,Single Life

So you’ve met this girl or guy. You like him or her, but you don’t know if they like you. You know where they work, live, play, and hope for a Hollywoodesque chance meeting at the local coffee shop where you can compare your latte orders and hopefully pick up a number. You want them to like you, but you also don’t want a restraining order against you a month after you meet them.

Given this situation, how do you properly “stalk” someone in a way that enables you to form some kind of relationship?

First, be nice. It’s a simple quality that goes a long way. It’s a “hi, how are you doing?” when you see them again. If you’re a guy, it’s even opening the door to a building if you walk in at the same time. However, being nice just doesn’t include the person you are after, it’s respecting the people around them when in a group setting. Show respect to their friends, and even random strangers who happen to be in the conversation. That way, the next time you run into your crush in a group setting, her friends will remember that initial niceness you showed them, and you’ll rank a little higher in their book.

After the initial niceness, it’s having the ability to make conversation. As outgoing and gregarious as I am, I have a slight tendency to act extraordinarily awkward around girls I like, rendering my conversational skills to zero. Once again a simple ,”Oh, I’m excited for this event “, or “hey, how was work today?” or “I really thought Shaniqua was going to get the rose on the season finale of the Bachelor” conveys a lot without making the person feel uncomfortable.

People go on dates with those they feel comfortable around and find intriguing. Yes, persistence is a nice trait to have, and telling your crush’s friends you like him/her may make them smile for a bit, but actions speak louder than words. I could be the greatest romantic in the world, but if I’m not a nice person, who’s going to actually want to date me, or even better, hope for a chance meeting in the local coffee shop?

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There are so lots of ladies who feel this way, from time to time it s just hard to be open about it simply because we live in a world heavily influenced by the media. There are also perspectives from females that sexual empowerment is what we should have, rather than getting abstinent or not sleeping about. As a feminist, I consider sexual empowerment can be gained by becoming selective and not sleeping aroundo just as much. We will initially establish if you truly want to date the girl and then proceed to the 10 ways you can turn a hookup into a partnership. For the reason that most of the times I ve accomplished this, it appeared that guys basically do not want a relationship, they want comfort or have some other undiagnosed requirements. That s why I have the checklist to support you decide if you seriously want this. rub reviews atlanta Besides, the color scheme of the interface would not result in strain to your eyes. The approach computer strategies is really included created for specific your time and work safeguard talking. Via this sustain communicating merchandise, to merely develop new party for on line which can be of identical sex or from reverse. For example, I have asked one so known as woman if she has sex with farm animals, she generally answers yes and when I asked her to go into detail, she says some of the funniest items. I am also said things like I want to kill you and eat your body components and I get responses such as oh infant that turns me on and oh baby you make my clit jump. The complete network is single track and is not electrified. The central hub of all railways is Chișinău Central Railway Station. There is an additional smaller railway station – Revaca located on the city s ends. Other Tv channels based in Chișinău are Pro Tv Chișinău, PRIME, Jurnal Television, Publika Tv, CTC, DTV, Euro Tv, TV8, etc. In addition to television, most Moldovan radio and newspaper firms have their headquarters in the city. The city is house to 12 public and 11 private universities, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, a quantity of institutions providing high school and 1–2 years of college education. single women in colorado We do not target our Web sites or our Solutions to anyone below the age of 18, any details we may well receive from any visitor we believe to be under the age of 18 will be deleted from our database. If you wish to opt out from receiving these types of communications you could turn them off at the device level. The Refund Policy on our Internet websites forms a element of this Agreement. We reserve the proper to amend or alter such Policy at any time, and changes are efficient upon posting on our Web sites with notice to you. You can acquire Qpid Credit by paying through credit/debit card, cash, verify or any other technique our Internet websites may possibly accept as payment of account subject to our Refund Policy. All expenses of our Services are denoted in units of Qpid Credit unless a certain currency is specified.