by jpompey 
Single Life
It’s so wrong, yet feels so right…
I see a bad girl, who is clearly wrong for me, yet I cannot look away or rid myself of the intrigue. And I know I am far from the only one. In fact, most men are attracted to bad girls.
Why exactly do men enjoy dating bad girls so much? Are we really that weak?
While there are many reasons, dating a bad girl has to do with the promise of fun and sexuality. When we see a bad gir,l such as Megan Fox or Angelina Jolie, we see a wild side; a side that knows how to have fun, be exciting, and will be anything but uptight.
We see a break from the ordinary day to day life, and a new adventure waiting for us. In addition, we see the promise of sexuality. We have all these instant fantasies of how great things will be once we…
Times up! More next time when I disect bad girls further in the next entry 
by jpompey 
Today I would like to expose one of the most popular online dating myths that just is not true.
“Women involved with online dating only care about looks.”
Many men become convinced that this is the case when they go a long period of time online with receiving responses to emails or Instant Messages. It is natural to assume that these women are either shallow or just plain cruel.
Thankfully, this is often far from the truth of the matter. When it comes down to it, the better looking women on this site are usually very nice, and aren’t very mean at all.
They are just receiving way to many messages on a daily basis.
In real life beautiful girls are not nearly as scary as one might think, and looks are far from the only way we can attract them. However, if we do not learn how to attract women via means other than looks, then our pictures will be the only thing they look at.
For this reason it is critical to learn the art of creating the perfect online dating profile, and learning to create messages that create extreme interest when attempted to meet women online.
So the next time a female does not answer you, don’t assume it is because she only cares about looks. First ask yourself if you are doing everything you need to do to spark attraction, and then work from there!
by jpompey 
I’m going to apologize to all the smokers out there in advance. I’m sorry ladies, I know you’re beautiful but…
I just absolutely hate females that smoke and I just don’t understand it.
For starters, women smell so beautiful naturally. The natural scent of a woman, a woman that showers every day that is, is sexy, and seductive. Smoking = making yourself smell like my Uncle Tony.
Secondly, it makes women taste like an ash tray. I know that’s cliche, but its true. Trust me, I used to eat ash trays as a child. Is it any wonder I have such a crazy, or should I say, beautiful mind?
For me, smoking is a complete dealbreaker. Nothing makes a girl go from completely attractive, to me having no interest, in a heartbeat.
So ladies, help me out. Please don’t smoke. And call me when you quit now that you have some extra money in your pocket. I do like to be pampered. ;P
by jpompey 
Date Night,
For most of the country, winter can be a long, dreadful, depressing time. Especially here in New York where the weather seems to go from one extreme to the other.
One day it is 30 degrees and snowing, the next day it is summer and time to break out those shorts! I can’t stress enough how frustrating it is that the two best weather seasons, fall and spring, are almost non-existent here! But I digress…
With summer comes great summer dating ideas and today’s suggestion is to bring your date to a concert. This works especially well if you are dealing with someone who is clearly passionate about music in his or her profile.
This is a great date for two reasons.
1. It is a fun, exciting date. The goal of being a master at planning dates is to plan dates that are a cut above the rest of the crowd without having to break that wallet wide open and looking desperate to impress.
2. The high energy, inflated sense of having a good time, and good feelings, will be carried over once the date is over. The date may have ended days ago, but those good feelings will be permantly interconnected with you, leaving your date desiring a second date.
So hit up those concerts and rock it out. And don’t forget that good night kiss.
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
Most people want to learn how to write a profile but just are not great writers. This can be a tough situation. Online dating profiles reveal not just your likes and dislikes, but your characteristics as well.
For example, if I write a profile that has a lot of errors, isn’t fluent, or just doesn’t grab the attention of others, women may assume that I’m lazy, don’t take online dating seriously, or might not be that smart.
This may not be entirely fair but it without a doubt happens.
The truth is, I know many brilliant people who just aren’t the greatest writers and it is sad to be sabotaged by this.
My advice? Either ask a friend who writes well to complete your profile, or find an online dating profile writing service. It may be embarrassing to ask a friend. It may cost a little money to hire someone. But with the overwhelming amount of competition out there these days, it is important to get any edge possible.
Too many men ignore the importance of how to write a profile. It is critical and should never be underestimated.
by jpompey 
I know the feeling believe me. Getting over an ex, especially a long term relationship is tough. And I have been there.
While there is no easy solution to getting over this, one thing is for sure: Online dating is a savior for modern times that makes the process a thousand times easier than it once was.
Think about all the benefits that online dating provides.
For starters, the best way to move on is to meet someone new. With online dating we can begin the process as soon as we are emotionally ready.
Which brings us to my second point. In the past it was so much tougher getting out of a relationship because you never knew the next time you were going to meet someone again. There was just no way of knowing when the next opportunity would arrive.
With online dating opportunity is there whenever we turn on the computer.
But perhaps most importantly, online dating will keep us busy and our minds off self-sorrow.
For all these reasons, use online dating when going through this pain. The benefits are outstanding.
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
In much of my online dating advice I often talk about how men must become an object whom women want to chase, essentially displaying alpha male qualities that some might attribute to the stereotypical “bad boy.”
But what about girls? Are guys attracted to “bad girls” as well?
The truth is that most men are in fact more drawn to bad girls. This largely has to do with a number of elements that create attraction and interest within the male mind.
1. Looks. Men are visual creatures and looks are the number one method that women have towards building attraction with men. Bad girls often take more time with their appearances and makeup, thus creating more attraction. In addition, the sexuality with which bad girls dress appeals to women, despite the fact that females will receive hate from the same sex for dressing this way.
2. Sexual appeal. When we think of the bad girls of this world we think of sexual appeal. Both go hand and hand and men like the prospect of someone that will fill their every desire.
3. Personality. Bad girls often have over the top and extreme personalities. This is likely to draw a man looking for a little excitement in life.
When it comes down to it, men love bad girls. But does this love last? That is the question!
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
Every now and then I like to throw an occasional health tip into my online dating advice. Why? Because our health has a direct affect on our energy levels, self esteem, and overall mood. A healthy lifestyle will indirectly make us more appealing to our dates.
Today’s health tip is extremely simple. Drink a gallon of water a day.
Before you write this off as nothing more than an extra ten trips to the bathroom, hear me out.
Drinking a lot of water has a ton of health benefits. For starters, many studies show that drinking a lot of water can almost double your metabolism. This means you are burning calories at almost twice the rate.
In addition, drinking this much water gets rid of salt deposits that are stored in your body and result in excess fats. You are essentially flushing all of the bad stuff out of your body by drinking a lot of water every day.
Finally, drinking a gallon of water a day and staying hydrated will lead to increased energy levels. Think of all the extra energy you will have to take out your dates and be the man you are deep down inside, instead of appearing to be that tired, sluggish working man that life sometimes wears us down into.
So drink up! The benefits are outstanding.
by jpompey 
Date Night,
For those of us that are new to learning to become skilled at online dating, pulling off a successful date is a new and exciting feeling. Making the transition from merely receiving a date, to receiving a date that is actually into us, is a big step.
But what happens when you want to extend the date back to your apartment or house because you are simply having a great time and want to keep it going?
This is a part of the date that many men forget to prepare for. What you want to do is set up your apartment or house for the “after-date.”
What this means is you want to leave interesting things around, or have entertainment ready and prepared, so that when you return there won’t be the awkward moment of, “what are we going to do now?”
An example of preparing for the after date is to have a photo album around; invite your date up to show her pictures of your recent vacation.
This is just one of the many ways that you could extend the date flawlessly and keep the fun going as smoothly as possible. But one thing is certain: Always prepare for the “after date.” There is nothing worse than wanting to extend the date, only to bring your date back to an apartment full of nothing to do.
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
Single Life
As someone whowrites about online dating for a living, my brain seems forever connected to online dating ideas. No matter where I look or turn I can’t seem to disconnect my life from what I write about so frequently.
And as I sit here staring at my dog, thinking how dogs are such female magnets, I ponder to myself, how can this be used to help our online dating lives?
Profile pictures.
Those familiar with my online dating advice know that one of the many goals to creating a successful photo gallery in the online dating world is to come up with pictures that will generate interest or spark conversation. Well most women LOVE dogs. If you have one, throw it up in your profile picture. If a girl is a dog lover she will, without a doubt, throw a comment your way about a dog.
If there is one thing I have learned since getting one its that doglovers LOVE doglovers. So, if you are one, use it to your advantage. After all, they are supposed to be man’s best friend!