by jpompey 
Date Night,
Every time I discuss meeting girls online for first or second dates I always discuss the importance of doing something fun.
As many of you know by now, I always encourage a first date to be fun, unique, and entertaining. On top of this, to fit in games whenever possible.
Women not only love games, but they provide a nice opportunity to flirt.
For this reason I suggest investing in a Nintendo® Wii or an Xbox® Kinect. To this day I have never met a women who does not smile every time you bring these gaming systems up.
You will not only have fun with your date, but they also provide you with a great excuse to invite your date upstairs to “hang out” for a little bit longer. For most men, inviting a date upstairs can be awkward. It is strange bringing a date inside, only to have nothing to do.
Having one of these systems gives you a reason every time.
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
So many men seeking online dating advice come to me with the same story…
They go out on a first date…
Everything seems to go absolutely perfect.
They have fun, enjoy good conversation, there is heavy flirting, some casual kisses, and even planning for a second first date that takes place..
And then NOTHING.
The girl disappears, never to be seen again.
So what on earth happened?
1. We may not be being honest with ourselves. But if the date resulted in kisses (Pending they weren’t over the top sexual) and plans for a second date were made, odds are that it probably is not that and the date did actually go well.
2. The female is just flaky, plain and simple. One of the problems that is inherit with online dating is that it creates a strive to find absolute perfection. Women just never ever stop getting new messages. They may have even received 20 new messages since the time your date ended, to when your first phone call was made. Some of these women just keep dating new people no matter how good their first date was because they are always looking for something better that may not be out there.
My advice, just go with the flow and don’t start building houses with white picket fences until you are sure you found one that is ready to commit! It may just not always be your fault!
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
Single Life
We all come to online dating for different reasons. Some of us are looking for a mere hookup, others are looking to casually date, while others want relationships and more.
Whatever the reasons are, each person is entitled to use online dating for whatever purpose they wish.
However, what do you do when you are meeting lots of people, have never made any intentions to commit yet, and an important day comes up?
For example, let’s say you are dating a couple of women casually and its Valentine’s Day.
Even though you may have never made any intentions to fully commit, women you are dating will expect you to be around on this day regardless of whether or not you are exclusive yet. They may say they don’t care, but they will.
The only way to avoid these difficulties is to get out of town! Disappear for a day and avoid the unnecessary drama. This will keep you from avoiding any potential bad situations and is the only solution to this dilemma.
And remember, you’re not doing anything wrong unless you made your intent to commit clear!
by jpompey 
Single Life
What would you say if I told you that you could cause women to feel high levels of attraction towards you without even doing anything?
Would you be interested?
I’m going to let you all in on a little secret that most people don’t know about.
The human body is a complicated thing. We are constantly releasing hormones and chemicals that cause us to feel and experience different things that are beyond our control. And with that said, one of the things that we can’t control are feelings of attraction.
Attraction is something that men and women just feel. We feel it mostly when we see something visual. Women feel it for ten reasons that have nothing to do with looks.
With that said, one way to make women feel attraction is by scaring them. When women are frightened it releases many of the same hormones that cause attraction. And while we don’t want to scare them in the, I’m a creepy online dater way, we can find many fun activities that will provide our dates with a scare during October. Stay tuned to future blog entries for some great ideas.
by jpompey 
Online Dating,
For those of you who have been reading this blog consistently, you are probably aware of a blog I wrote in which I performed a little experiment on how many messages a beautiful girl would receive.
To rehash, a beautiful friend of mine made a profile on another site, was wearing a bikini, and received over 100 messages in an hour.
After this little experiment, which didn’t surprise me at all to say the least, I decided to try another little experiment. The same girl agreed to create another profile, only this time, she was not wearing a bikini, but was dressed much more business like, with her hair up, and less makeup.
Same beautiful girl, different looks.
The results? Less than half of the messages in the same time frame!
This once again re-enforces the fact, men are visceral creatures! It may seem unfair ladies, but if you want to attract men, your profile pictures have to draw them in!
by jpompey 
One thing I had to remind myself of recently is that it is critical to take note of behavior patterns from the very beginning.
There are often times when a first date goes pretty well. The laughter is there. The attraction is being built. The person you are dating seems like a good girl.
But theres that one tiny little thing at the very end of the night that just keeps you wondering, “Hmmm, “I loved everything, but why did she say that?” Or, “Why did she do that?”
These minuscule moments may have even bothered you. For example, perhaps your date said something that seemed overly clingy for a first date, or came across as nagging.
Although this may have been a fleeting 10 second moment, these are critical moments to take into account. Behaviors that only appear in small doses or flashes in the very beginning of knowing someone, only get worse and worse as time goes on.
So the next time you are on a date, do not just dismiss behaviors that seem small. Take into account that observing behavior patterns early on could be very important down the road.
by jpompey 
As someone who writes profiles for other men on a frequent basis, I am often finding myself in shock at the overt sexuality that many men seem to use in their profiles.
I mean seriously, some of these profiles are just plain creepy before I get my hands on them and tweek them!
Look, women like sex. We all know that. But a women has to be COMFORTABLE with you before she wants to hear anything about sex. And if she doesn’t then she’s probably not the type of woman who you want!
Unfortunately, many profiles I read are filled with innuendos from men that hint at the fact that they are great in bed, or work well with their hands.
This will send a women running faster from your profile than you can imagine.
A hint of flirtatiousness in a profile = Good.
Overtly acting sexual and referring to sex = BAD.
If you enjoy sex and are even good at it, relax, the girl you are chasing will find out eventually if she likes you! No need to write about it in an online dating profile. This will pay off much better in the long run, I can promise that!
by jpompey 
Recently I did a rather interesting experiment; the results weren’t all that surprising. We all know online dating is one of the greatest inventions to come our way, allowing us more opportunity than anyone in past generations has ever had. But we also know that for a guy, there is a ton of competition!
So I wanted to put this theory to the test. As a little experiment, a beautiful friend of mine and I created a profile for her on an online dating site and set out to see just how many messages she would receive.
Keep in mind that she is a very beautiful girl and she was placed in a bikini in the main picture.
Would you believe me if I said that she received over 100 messages in the first hour? I kid you not.
And while this is an extreme example, due to a number of components, (she is very beautiful, was wearing a bikini, women are extremely visual), the results show that beautiful women are tough to attain.
This, once again, verifies why it is oh so important to learn the art of creating the perfect profile and mastering how to write messages that are funny, interesting and unique!
by jpompey 
Would we still need online dating if people actually talked to each other still?
Let’s face it. These days nobody talks to each other. We are truly living in a Farenheight 451 world.
Why don’t we talk to each other? One word. Technology.
These days everyone is constantly connected, hooked up, and wired in. In fact, the other day a friend of mine, who teaches, took his class on a school trip. He said it was the first time he ever heard his class silent. This is because they were allowed to bring phones and whatnot in that day, so everyone was locked in on the bus ride.
This makes me kind of sad. Technology is great, but sometimes we are just too connected. Where there is progress, there is always a price.
With the invention of planes the birds lose their wonder. With the invention of online dating, we no longer have to talk to people in real life anymore..
Well, maybe that is a good thing, I take it all back!
by jpompey 
Millions of men out there love a bad girl.
The reasons for this are numerous, however, all make good sense. Last time I discussed the allure of a bad girls sexuality, as well as the promise of excitement.
Today I would like to discuss something that both men and females seem to have in common, which is the notion of being attracted to someone that creates a chase.
As most men who follow my online dating advice know, creating a chase and high demand for yourself is one of the most important attraction builders that a man can work on.
However, this is no different for a woman. Men are highly attracted to women who provide a chase as well.
And what type of girl puts up more of a chase than your typical bad girl? They never seem to care. They always seem to have a million other options. And they act is if we are just objects circling their personal orbit.
While this is frustrating, heartbraking, and downright makes guys crazy, it is also irrisistable and men cannot get enough of this!
We are a crazy species indeed huh? Sorry nice girls.