Game, Set, Sparks!
under Entertainment,JBloggers,100hookup,Single LifeMy beautiful best friend got engaged last Friday night! She and my soon-to-be-bff-in-law really are completely meant for each other, so this upcoming union will be a great one. Unfortunately, there is at least a year of planning, toiling and inevitable stressing to get through before the big day. I’m sure it will be several months before my bff turns bridezilla and starts stalking the city streets, and even though I will be multi-tasking like it’s going out of style, I plan on enjoying every minute of it. Now, after getting sun-stroked from a post-engagement day by spending six hours at the beach, I headed over to South for 100hookup’s video game bash. The Sunday fun-day action was in full swing by the time I arrived and Wii had a lot of fun as the girls-gone-gaming madness ensued. Now, I am a fitness fiend and workout as much as I can, but my cardio was no match for the tennis tournament going on in the pool room. I will be upping my regiment before the next competition, that’s for sure. All in all it was a great way to end the day, and the crowd was as varied as the choice of post-NES systems. Game, set, sparks! Last night, South was totally where it happens.