What to expect when you’re expecting (to go on a date)
under Date Night, 100hookup, Online Dating, Relationships, Single LifeWhen you have a date planned with someone you met over the Internet, the rules of engagement differ from the pre-date rules with someone met in real life. While it is never a great idea to bombard a new romantic intrigue with the thoughts that pop into your head in the form of text messages sent in real time, so much more is this the case when dealing with someone you’ve never laid eyes on. If you are sending such communiques and getting limited to zero response, cease and desist this operation. Consider the merit of your message before hitting send on an email, text, or outgoing call that is not directly related to the logistical details of a date. Nothing says “I have no friends” more than a news feed. So reserve sharing the cutesy particulars of such things like the variety of breakfast cereal your are currently consuming for never. If you can’t wait that long to get that deep, hold out until after the first date.
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