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Love at first flight

by dabblerette under 100hookup, Online Dating, Relationships

A coworker has been anticipating meeting an online love intrigue for two months solid. Why the wait? The gentleman lives abroad and has planned the date around visiting family in New York. While there is a certain charm in extended romantic e-pen-palling, there is also a highly elevated risk for disappointment if expectations are not met. Case in point, said friend is also in the throes of an outrageously ambitious diet campaign to reach his goal weight, which is of course, the weight he purports to be in his online profile, some 30 pounds less. I know virtually nothing about his potential lover, but I do know about human reactions to circumstance and am willing to bet the house (or rather, the rent controlled lease) that after flying all the way from Taiwan, said pen pal will be peeved at that one. My friend is a good guy and not purposefully deceptive, just merely in need of a diet motivating device. Hopefully by virtue of the fact that the love birds have communicated regularly via chat and email for the last 60 days, there is a mutual attraction that runs deeper than exteriors. Provided that a slight fudging of numbers is the only source of surprise experienced by either that day, there is something to be said for these two. If intrigue can still exist after 60 days of emails, I have high hopes for them.

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