Articles tagged with: Dr. Janet Blair Page

Treat your lover at least as well as you treat your friends. Many of us are capable of being nicer to strangers than we are to the people we love, which really doesn’t make a lot of sense. Be courteous to everyone, but especially to the ones you love or might love.

Our relationships help make us what we are – fulfilled or empty, happy or sad, productive or reduced capacity. One important relationship is with your self – and another is with the food you eat.

Find out if you are wasting valuable time and energy when you could be using that time to meet your dream mate by answering “Yes” or “No” to each of the following questions below.

Here are five major don’ts when it comes to arguing with your mate – and five resolutions for those don’ts!

Do yourself a favor by stress-proofing your dating life. Make your love life one of your priorities by taking the following 10 steps.

You have to communicate with tact; there’s a reason people sometimes shoot the messenger. Bearers of bad news are often irritating. Read on to learn the top 9 things you should never say to your partner if you want to keep the peace!

Dr. Janet Blair Page, a psychotherapist and the author of Get Married This Year, explains the seven changes you need to make in order to find lasting love in 2013!

The following guidelines will help you self-market. First, do your best to change whatever needs fixing. Second, don’t let whatever isn’t fixable show (and remember that if you are a work in progress). A date is not a rabbi or a therapist – it’s a date. Do not present less desirable qualities or bad situations as the definition of who you are. If you tell someone you are a problematic person and not worth their love right up front, they’ll probably do you the courtesy of believing you.