
Whether you are in a committed relationship, or have just started seeing someone new, here are some rejuvenating Valentine’s Day date ideas.

Before you object, get briefed on the ins and outs of dating a female lawyer.

You may not be heralded, gifted, or fed, but you can vow to make this your last Valentine’s Day alone – and make a personal V-Day resolution to find love this year.

“I need some help getting people to respond. I have tried email, IMs, chat rooms, and message boards, yet I have not received any feedback. Can anyone help me out?”

Follow these 10 commandments to keep your karmic love slate clean in 2015 and onwards.

I am currently the “Transition Person” with a man who has been separated from his wife for about two years, but they still live in the same house… is this just a bad situation that I should get out of?

This year, set these 5 basic goals (that are a good base for other accomplishments) and take the first few steps without focusing on outcome or an ultimate win. Simply resolve to start changing in 2015!

“Joseph1215″ or “GreenEyedPoet”? If I gave you these two online dating usernames (both made up, of course), which profile do you think you’d click on?