
Are you asking one of these potentially offensive questions?

“My crush invited me home for Passover and I want to bring a bottle of wine. What is appropriate for the occasion?”

As we sit around the Seder table, discussing the exodus from Egypt and why the “mortar” tastes so darned delicious, our family and friends sometimes use the holiday as an opportunity to talk about our own lack of exodus… from singledom. How does one graciously deflect questions like this?

I don’t know if I’m alone in this, but I’ve been single and dating for the last 10 years and never know what to say when my date starts talking about all the other dates he’s been on. Is it because he’s not interested? Nervous? I don’t get it.

Feeding your emotions with food doesn’t help your emotional state and is the antithesis of thinking thin. Hand a sad, thin person a doughnut and they will definitely assess you as less than compassionate.

There are three basic attitudes that people tend to adopt when dating (online or otherwise). Which one are you?

“In email correspondence back and forth, at what point is it appropriate to ask for a number? When is it an appropriate time to call her?”

Get your Valentine’s Day gift right to win points with your date — and hopefully you’ll win their heart as well!

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, you want to plan something fabulous – something that’s not too cheap, not too expensive, not too over the top, and not too unromantic. Impossible? Not at all. Here are 12 romantic ideas that are just right.

Here’s a quick roundup of some hookup-themed gift ideas for your 100hookup Valentine: