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Is It Possible For Women To Date In Midlife? Is It Possible For Women To Date In Midlife?

I belong to a synagogue, but have not met any eligible men through that source. Any ideas? Or am I to sit in a rocking chair alone in old age?

7 Questions To Consider Before Getting Serious 7 Questions To Consider Before Getting Serious

Here are 7 things to consider as you walk down the path from your first date to the altar.

4 Great Topics For A First Date 4 Great Topics For A First Date

A basic rule of thumb for dating? If the conversation doesn’t come naturally, it’s just not meant to be. Very few healthy and successful relationships can blossom from a dry, dull conversation. Unfortunately, we’re not all stellar conversationalists. So, here are a few starter topics for great discussions.

7 Ways Baking Challah Is Like Dating
7 Ways Baking Challah Is Like Dating

On my way home it occurred to me that the art of making challah is a lot like dating! So, here are seven things to remember about baking challah that may just help you to become a better dater!

How To Have A Better Relationship
How To Have A Better Relationship

We have all been fed images by the media of the happily married couple with two kids who are enjoying the sunshine together. For many of us, these images raise a nagging doubt that perhaps our own relationship is not quite as wonderful.

My New Boyfriend Is Stuck In The Past: What Do I Do?
My New Boyfriend Is Stuck In The Past: What Do I Do?

I started dating a man five months after his wife died. They had been married for 17 years. He said he was ready to move on and love again. We both knew there was a connection. I fell in love with him, and he told me twice he loves me. Everything was going GREAT!

Well, I woke up this morning and suddenly his story had changed…

Am I Too Old To Find A Partner?
Am I Too Old To Find A Partner?

Dear Rabbi,

I am a very active 75-year-old woman who looks like she is 60 (so I have been told). I am a professional dog trainer, exercise often, and am very healthy. Am I too old to find a partner just for companionship? One who would like to have a quiet life style, or an active one? I enjoy both.

Practice Makes… Better
Practice Makes… Better

Everyone knows the old adage that ‘practice makes perfect,’ but I don’t know if a lot of people really think about how much that can be applied to date-like interactions, which can be really complex.

Find Love Online In Five Easy Steps
Find Love Online In Five Easy Steps

Online dating is a great way to find your hookup Valentine! Yet despite having this opportunity at your fingertips, finding a good match isn’t always easy. Sometimes the emails just don’t come in, or your own outreach garners no replies. However, as a married matchmaker who found the love of her life on 100hookup, I know online dating can work! Here are my five tips for successful online dating…

How To Be The Kind Of Person You Want To Date How To Be The Kind Of Person You Want To Date

We spend ample time dreaming up our perfect mate to fit into our almost perfect world, but when it comes down to it, do we stop to think about what we really have to offer?

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