Filmmakers love one particular love story. A woman and a man are polar opposites, and for the first part of the movie they clash with one another as their discord makes it seemingly impossible to get along. And then, slowly but surely, love conquers all… But what about in the real world?
If ever there was ever another reason for your mother to tell you to get married, it’s cancer prevention. May is officially Skin Cancer Awareness month…
Considering that it’s impossible for any of us to be exact physical replicas, why is it that every profile seems to use the same clichés as the last one? Here are the Top 10 Phrases You Should Delete from Your Online Dating Profile…
While you’re decluttering your home this spring, why not declutter your love life as well? Here are 7 tips to get you started!
Your online profile is really powerful; it’s what makes someone decide whether to contact you or not. Here are five tips so you can make your profile stand out and attract the woman of your dreams.
1. Don’t Cross-Examine
Listening is one thing (and a really attractive thing – guys often complain that women talk about themselves too much, on dates and in relationships). Intense questioning, however, can be intrusive and …
I made a TERRIBLE personal decision that I had no way of knowing at the time was horrible. I had no idea that if by my mid-thirties I didn’t marry someone — ANYONE — my future prospects would diminish dramatically!
Before you meet your great mate, you should have an idea of how much stress has a hold on your dating life, and if needed, take the steps necessary to overcome it.
Should romance and love just come naturally? It would be nice, but in reality, they both take work! Here are 7 reasons why dating is a practice sport.
This Passover, discover 7 ways to free yourself from past relationship baggage so you can move back into the energy of love!