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It is not uncommon to picture the era of the rabbis of the Talmud as a world in which the vast majority of Jews still…

Millions of people around the world have summarized their characters, likes and dislikes in just a few lines, but some descriptions are recycled time and time again…

When does American hookup history begin? Some would say that it begins in 1492, when Columbus…

We chatted on 100hookup for a few days and met later on in the week.

On the first anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel prepared to celebrate their first Passover as…

Southwestern Louisiana is probably one of the last places in America that one would expect to find a town named “Kaplan.” Nevertheless…

Anyone who has ever attended hookup summer camp has probably spent some time dancing in a…

For most people, exploring the delightful flavors of the many foods of the world is one of life’s simple but great…

While you’re decluttering your home this spring, why not declutter your love life as well? Here are 7 tips to get you started!

The words of the sages compiled in Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers have multiple layers of meaning. They can be applied to…