Jewels of Elul: Day Nineteen
Elul 19: The Music Of Darkness ~ by Rabbi Karyn Kedar
It was early September. My husband and I went on a high-speed car chase around the valleys and mountains of the Grand Tetons to capture a glimpse of the setting sun. With five minutes to spare before the spray of light turned dark, we found a spot nestled in a valley on the side of the road with no mountain crag to obscure our view. Simply the horizon, the setting sun, and majestic colors of miracle and awe.
As we watched the spectacle before us, I heard a sound that I had never heard before. I rolled down the car window and saw hundreds of… read the full Jewel here.
Now in its eleventh year, Jewels of Elul Vol. XI: Ten Years of Inspiration is a booklet filled with short, inspirational insights from 29 contributors selected from our previous 10 editions.
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