Intellectual Chemistry Vs. Physical Chemistry
What is chemistry? It’s the intangible that’s needed in a relationship. It’s what makes you click with someone. Intellectual chemistry and physical chemistry are very different, but both are needed in a relationship. Here’s why:
- Intellectual Chemistry
Intellectual chemistry keeps you busy… keeps your mind busy, that is. It’s what makes you want to talk to someone for hours. For a relationship to flourish, intellectual chemistry is a necessity. You must be able to talk to your partner about everything and anything. Your partner should excite and challenge your mind. When you have intellectual chemistry with someone, they become your best friend. Having your partner be your BFF is important. When you connect with someone intellectually, you connect with them on a meaningful emotional level, which is imperative in any relationship.
- Physical Chemistry
Physical chemistry, also known as sexual chemistry, makes your body (and you!) happy. In order to have a fulfilling relationship, you must have physical chemistry. Physical chemistry is what occurs when you’re attracted to someone. It’s what makes you want to be intimate with them. It’s also what keeps the passion alive. The best relationships have passion, and lots of it.
Physical and intellectual chemistry go hand in hand. If you meet someone with whom you have amazing physical chemistry, but no intellectual connection, the relationship is doomed. Think about it, how are you going to date someone you can’t have a conversation with for more than five minutes? The same goes for someone you connect with mentally, that you don’t connect with sexually. If you aren’t connecting with them sexually, you aren’t getting everything you need from the relationship.
When you connect with your partner on a physical and intellectual level, they should be satisfying you sexually and emotionally. The happiest relationships leave you satisfied in all areas.

“The same goes for someone you connect with mentally, that you don’t connect with sexually. If you aren’t connecting with them sexually, you aren’t getting everything you need from the relationship.”
Except if one is asexual, in which case he or she could at least rely on the intellectual chemistry. Though some asexuals do develop sexual attractions just to the ones with whom they have a relationship – such an asexual is called a demi-sexual.