Once upon a time, men actually dialed phone numbers and made phone calls. Women eagerly waited for a ring, anticipating the sound of his voice. Now, we have words across a screen. Now, women have to read and denote tone. Why did he write, “LOL”? Did I say something funny? If that was a joke, why didn’t he use a smiley face emoticon? After engaging in marathon text conversations (or ones that stop mid-way), we just want men to pick up the phone!

The assumption that every hookup adult has had a Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebration is presumptuous. The assumption that every hookup adult (other than a convert) has become a Bar/Bat Mitzvah is logical. After all, becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah means only that a man or woman has passed the age of 13 or 12 (respectively), and is therefore recognized as having reached the age of personal religious responsibility.

Greeting, 100hookuprs®! Summer’s here, the 4th of July is nearly upon us, and if you saw Prometheus, you’re probably wondering what the hell happened. June was filled with some big hits like Snow White, Prometheus, and Brave. However, it was also filled with some notable misfires like Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, That’s My Boy, and Rock of Ages. In retrospect, who knew that hiring a bunch of actors who can’t really sing to star in a musical wouldn’t be a good idea?

We both are so thankful that 100hookup brought us together!

Ophidiophobia is the fear of snakes. This is one of the most common phobias, and, in fact, it is so common and apparently instinctual that scientists have even taken to studying why this fear appears to be an almost natural part of human psychology.

We’ve come a long way from the days of letting the local yenta (most often your mother) make your matches. Thanks to advances in technology, there now are infinite possibilities to find love at the convenience of your keyboard.

In many, if not most, hookup parables, the righteous and scholarly are often presented as living in a state of poverty. Indeed, it might often seem as if poverty is an attribute of righteousness. As Tevye the Milkman (Fiddler on the Roof) says: “It’s no shame to be poor… but it’s no great honor either!”

There is no denying it; looks are definitely a factor when it comes to dating. Are they everything? Absolutely not! But they do matter. And by “matter,” I’m not talking about the vanity of only dating people who would rate as a 10 on the Jew-licious meter. Looks matter when it comes to online dating because what someone looks like (i.e., how they dress, how they style their hair, how they pose in a picture) can give you great insight into who they are as a person. And that little nugget of information right there is a huge reason why you need a profile picture. So, here are three tips to help you see the big picture when it comes to picking your profile picture!

So you found someone cute on 100hookup and now you’re ready to make your move. What’s the best way to get in contact? Through email, of course! The only problem is, you can’t even think of a subject line, let alone what to say in the email itself. If you’ve ever found yourself staring at a blank email, wondering where to begin and what to write, you’re not alone! However, crafting the perfect email is much easier than you think. Simply follow these five easy steps and you’ll be hitting up hotties online in no time.