End of Summer Action Plan
We’ve been blessed with a record-breaking summer, but before you know it, the wind will be howling, the workload will be grinding and everyone will be wishing for another 100 days of sunshine. We hate to be a buzz-kill, but now is when you need to begin the transition from one season to the next, while taking the time to soak in the last of the warm weather. But fear not, as the editors at SingleEdition.com, we have put together a checklist of things you should consider as summer (and your tan) begins to fade.
1. Dive into the Digital Dating Pool: September is dating season and before you know it, there will be a wave of new profiles in the online dating pool. You may as well beat the crowds by renewing your subscription to your online dating service of choice. If your profile has been inactive for more than two months, consider a makeover by one of the pros. Laurie Davis, founder of the eFlirt Expert, and Julie Spira, a.k.a. The Cyber-Dating Expert, have been helping singles shine online and are now offering discounts to Single Edition readers who sign up for their digital dating services. Post a fun summer pic while you’re at it!
2. Schedule Some Sun Time: It’s hard to think of the winter holiday breaks, but in order to avoid high-season prices, travel plans must be made at least three months in advance. Some hot spots to think about are Thanksgiving in Morocco, which is being organized by Singles Travel International, or an all-inclusive getaway (no single supplement) to Cuba, Antigua or Israel with UK hospitality provider Just You.
3. Seal and Savor the Season Later: With the economy still at a low, more food budgets being slashed and more communal gardens being tended to, the art of canning is making a comeback. Those heirloom tomatoes, luscious strawberries and mission figs will be gone before you turn your head, but you don’t have to deprive yourself of summer’s natural bounty when you can enjoy it all year round! Food preservation is a cost-efficient and creative way to hold onto the sweet tastes and whether it’s jams, jellies or sauces, there are no limits.
4. Get Fired Up: As the saying goes, “It ain’t over till it’s over,“ and it’s still not too late to eat some smoking hot dogs, chicken or hamburgers! BBQ throw downs and events are still happening all over the United States. To find one in your area, check out BarbecueNews.com.
5. Shop Now and Save Next Summer: Back-to-school supplies are not the only things you can save on post-summer. Seasonal merchandise like swimwear, sunscreen and camping gear are all on the price chopping block. If there is a need to replace old equipment, now is the time to invest in big ticket items like lawn mowers, air conditioners and patio furniture. And if you want to join a new gym, studio or golf club try to get in now, during off season, while the low membership rates still last.
6. Open Air Home Improvements: Take some time to fix your home’s exterior before the cold elements make repairs and renovations impossible or unbearable. Touch-ups such as cleaning windows and painting doors may be cosmetic, but also check for broken steps, damaged window guards and even unwieldy garden roots that may be hazardous in the winter.
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