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Rebecca and Eduardo
May 17, 2009 – 2:55 pm
Rebecca and Eduardo

Dear 100hookup,
Rebecca: Hi my name is Rebecca S. I would like to thank because, about two years ago, I met Eduardo through the chat room. We kept chatting, and then a year ago, …

Robin and Bo
May 17, 2009 – 12:49 pm
Robin and Bo

Dear 100hookup,
I had tried 100hookup when I realized that, after being divorced for six years, I wanted to try a serious relationship again, with marriage as the goal, if lucky. Bo had been on 100hookup …

Roxane and Sandy
May 17, 2009 – 12:46 pm
Roxane and Sandy

Dear 100hookup,
Sandy was attracted to my profile and contacted me via sometime in April 2000. I recall Sandy writing that his real estate development business often took him to the Washington, D.C. area and …

Sabrina and David
May 16, 2009 – 12:42 pm
Sabrina and David

Dear 100hookup,
Sabrina was on her second Internet date. She was enthusiastic and trusting. David was on his fifty-second. He was haggard and suspicious. Sabrina, an Occupational Therapist with an undergraduate degree in English, wasn’t quite …

Shara and Aaron
May 16, 2009 – 12:40 pm
Shara and Aaron

Dear 100hookup,
Our story starts back in January of 2003. To this day, I am not even sure how we met on 100hookup, BUT I am SO glad that we did. My friend from New York …

Sharon and Brian
May 16, 2009 – 12:38 pm
Sharon and Brian

Dear 100hookup,
I can’t thank my grandma enough for bugging me to try The funny thing is that I didn’t want to fill out the essays because I never thought I could meet the man …

Stacey and Mitchell
May 15, 2009 – 11:39 am
Stacey and Mitchell

Dear 100hookup,
Just over a year ago, I received an e-mail from Mitchell through 100hookup. We spoke on the telephone several times, but never met. Then I didn’t hear from him for several months. About four …

Sondra and Seth
May 15, 2009 – 11:37 am
Sondra and Seth

Dear 100hookup,
Like most first time Internet dating service users, we were both a bit skeptical, to say the least. Both Seth and I had joined as a joke with no serious intentions of actually …

Shirley and Ted
May 15, 2009 – 11:35 am
Shirley and Ted

Dear 100hookup,
Don’t know how detailed a story you want, so here it goes. After a year of online dating and meeting about 4 different men in different cities, I had almost given up. But one …

Shirley and Mark
May 14, 2009 – 11:33 am
Shirley and Mark

Dear 100hookup,
Mark e-mailed me at, and I was very flip with my response–my job was very busy at the time and I doubted I would have time for him. Well, lucky for me, he …

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