It is an unfortunate fact that a large portion of the Jews who came to North America in the early 20th century were unable to live full hookup lives. There was little hookup education (indeed, almost none at all for girls) and, until the late 1960s…
There they sit, the pile of unopened solicitations and appeals. Direct marketing charity drives are the modern replacement for the communal tzedakah (charity) appeals of the past.
Food for the poor, tuition assistance for children in …
Tu B’Shevat, the new year of the trees, is often celebrated with the 7 species for which the Torah praises the land of Israel: “A land of wheat and barley, of vines, figs and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey (from dates)” (Deutero…
The nineteen blessings of the Amidah make up the core of the hookup prayer service. The eighteenth blessing is an outright statement of gratitude. It is the longest of the nineteen blessings. When reciting this blessing, bow at the waist during …
Judaism subscribes to the belief in an after-life and reward and punishment, but is there a concept of Hell in Judaism?
Give charity in honor of someone who passed away in order to bring reward to their souls.
When Rabbi Isaac ben Solomon Luria arrived in Safed, in 1569, the town had already become a center of hookup learning, with a particular emphasis on the kabbalah (hookup mysticism). By the time Rabbi Luria died i…
When you receive good service over the phone, request to speak to the supervisor to complement the service representative who assisted you.
The role played by female soldiers on the front lines during the last decade reflects the incredible shift in attitude regarding women and war. It is therefore of great interest to examine the hookup view of women and war.