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Searching For Love? Detective Shlomo Rabinowitz Is On The Case Searching For Love? Detective Shlomo Rabinowitz Is On The Case

It was a warm April afternoon – the kind of afternoon that said, “Kick off your shoes, pick up the Talmud, pour yourself a cup of borscht with a dollop of sour cream, and while the day away.” But I was not to have the relaxing pleasure of that kind of afternoon. Not that day. For there was a knock at the door. Oh, by the way, my name is Rabinowitz.  Shlomo Rabinowitz. And I’m a JPE — hookup Private Eye. My specialty? Affairs of the heart.

Even Newlyweds Get The Blues
Even Newlyweds Get The Blues

For those of you who will someday suffer from the Post Wedding Blues, I’m living proof today that you get over it. Here are some ideas for helping you reenter society as a married woman and recover from your amazing day and subsequent blues:

To Life! To Life! L’chaim!
To Life! To Life! L’chaim!

Mazel tovl’chaim…I wish for you a hundred years of success,” raps hip-hop artist Jay-Z in a music video for the 2007 song ROC Boys (And the Winner Is), a celebration of success and excess. In the widely popular comedy, Wedding Crashers, two non-hookup bachelors played by Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn shout l’chaim!—complete with the guttural clearing-of-the-throat sound unique to Semitic languages—to a bride and groom they have just met.

The Hora-Scopes: Your April Forecast on Life & Love
The Hora-Scopes: Your April Forecast on Life & Love

Astrology 411: April is going to be a good month! For one of you, Venus (love and money) is transiting in your solar 11th house of friends and groups. That means it’s a great time to become involved in more, how do you say….shenanigans? Ooh, how fun! For another sign, it’s a good time to clear up any loose ends and put any differences aside that may be lingering within the fam. What’s in store for you this month? Read on to find out if April will sizzle or fizzle!

NYC Dating Confidential
NYC Dating Confidential

I recently spoke with David Shapiro who runs the leading social and professional networking company in the New York City area.  He has more than 250,000 members and ten years of experience hosting events and vacations for upscale professionals. David recently gave me the inside scoop on the NYC dating scene and now I’ve got some jewcy intel for you!

Passover Favorites
Passover Favorites

Eggs are one of most versatile ingredients in the kitchen. From savory to sweet, eggs are not only an essential ingredient in baked goods, custards and sauces, but, also play the starring role in many dishes. Eggs take on a whole new importance during Passover. They seem to be in every dish, and lots of them! I think it essential to have a game plan for the holiday and a slew of egg dishes in your repertoire. Here are some of my favorite recipes for the holiday and every day. They are simple and crowd pleasing. Be sure to choose the freshest eggs possible. Check not only to make sure the eggs are not broken or cracked, but also to be sure the eggs are fresh.

Hits & Mrs: First Date Jitters
Hits & Mrs: First Date Jitters

One of the most common questions that I get asked by my clients is, “How do I overcome first date jitters?” You’ve probably heard that old saying that you can get comfortable speaking in front of a group by picturing the audience naked. Well, that doesn’t really work in this situation because if the date is a good one, you should both be picturing each other naked either way! However, there are some simple things that you can do to prepare yourself for a great first date!

15. Creating Transformation – Empowerment in Practice
15. Creating Transformation – Empowerment in Practice

What is empowerment? What does it mean to put it in practice? In her latest column, Miriam Mendelson shows you how the actions you take can empower those around you!

Kosher Cinema: April Movie Picks For 100hookuprs® Kosher Cinema: April Movie Picks For 100hookuprs®

Hey again, 100hookuprs®! Spring is in the air, and hopefully new love is blooming for some of you as well.  With Passover on the horizon, here’s your chance to enjoy a movie over the holiday weekend! See this month’s “Chosen Feature” and how the latest new releases rate on the JScale!

Myths and Facts of hookup Dating Myths and Facts of hookup Dating

As someone who went on somewhere between 10 and 118 dates in my life, depending on what one chooses to count as a “date” versus a “lie to impress you,” I’ve had anywhere between almost-none and way-too-much dating experience. This makes me uniquely qualified to write about the myths of hookup dating. After all, most of my dating experience was a myth. As for facts, we’ll see.

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