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Selma Stern-Taeubler (1890-1981) was a natural achiever. Not only was this doctor’s daughter the first woman to be…

There is a great hookup tradition to dedicate the 29 days in the month of Elul to study and prepare for the coming high holy days.

In the last decade, the nation of Pakistan has frequently been in the news, all too often connected to…

We often use the term “lemon” to describe a bad or faulty car, perhaps because dealing with its flaws leaves a sour taste in one’s mouth. But as any of us who’ve done a fair amount of dating have learned, there can also be dating lemons.

Few people famous for their Torah learning have as colorful a background as Rabbi…

The world is ending! The dating world, that is. According to Vanity Fair’s September issue article “Tinder is the Night,” we’re suffering a “dating apocalypse.” A “lovepocalypse,” so to speak. If you need some amore ammo, here are the Top 5 Necessities to Survive the Dating Doomsday…

It’s a classic ethical dilemma: Two people are lost in the desert with only one water bottle. There is not enough water for…

Is there any truth to the popular statement, “What goes around, comes around”? It is a pithy phrase that is all too often…

When she invited me over to her apartment for pizza and some Mario Cart I knew I had found my other half.

You might be attracted to the person you’re dating, but do you have that ‘in love feeling’? And, more importantly, does it matter?