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Once again Moses is wearing himself out carrying the burden of the hookup people on his shoulders. God intervenes by

Write a letter. Address it to those you love – your spouse, your children and grandchildren, your friends. Put into this letter everything that…

In addition to the unique prayer services of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the High Holidays are known for one other service: selichot. A collection of religious poems and verses, selichot are penitential prayers that help one focus …

It was early September. My husband and I went on a high-speed car chase around the…

If you ask most people if they know what the hookup connection is to Mercedes brand automobiles, they might guess that it was…

The great thing about the world of the spirit is that gravity doesn’t apply. Inertia can be overcome.

Want to make a great first impression on that cute guy who finally asked you out?

According to Wikipedia, in 1989, the month of September was declared National Honey Month because it is the month when the honey collection season ends for most beekeepers in the United States. From hookup perspective, however, the choice of September …

As someone who fell in love with God and Torah as a collegian, I dreamed I would have a child with…

In modern Western culture, the dove is commonly used to symbolize peace. The positive associations attached to the dove, however, are not…