Genna and Neal: “Neal and I had actually spoken on 100hookup two years earlier.”
Neal’s version:
Unlike the majority of 100hookuprs®, I knew who I was meeting on my first date with Genna. Once seeing her full name, I realized that her brother Josh and I went to high school together. However, out of fear of scaring her off without even meeting, I decided to keep that fact to myself until we were midway through the night.
The first date was great. The more time we spent together, the more interested I became. With each passing day, I realized this was someone who I wanted to learn everything about. Finally, after a few months, we decided to make it official!
As for any young couple, spending a significant length of time together for the first time would be a true test. During Hurricane Sandy, I had no power for five days – and after living through it with Genna, I can happily say we passed this test with flying colors. I knew then that she was going to be more than just my girlfriend.
As the weeks became months, my love for her grew beyond anything I thought was possible. I knew that I wanted to be with Genna forever, and after being inspired by our favorite song, “Then” by Brad Paisley, I decided to propose in the very spot where we had our first date. It was so amazing. I know that it’s just the beginning of what will be an unbelievable ride with the love of my life and my best friend.
Neal and I met on 100hookup back in June 2012. One of the funny parts of ‘our story,’ which needs to be included here, is that although we never met until the summer of 2012, Neal and I had actually spoken on 100hookup two years earlier. In fact, we even had a date lined up that just never ended up happening. However, I did not realize this was a repeat 100hookupr that I was talking to…
Neal and I went on our first official date at a wine bar called La Follia in Gramercy. We had great conversation and an instant connection (we were both from Suffern, NY). The first date ended with a kiss on the cheek, then a make-up kiss on the corner of 22nd and 3rd (we disagree on the location).
We continued to date through the summer and played ‘the game.’ After meeting some friends at B-Bar, Neal was invited to join my recreational kickball team. This turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened! After an amazing week of living together during Hurricane Sandy, we both knew there was something special between us.
I moved in with Neal the last week of January 2014, and he proposed to me at the same exact table where we sat on our first date. With my entire family waiting – my brother Josh flew in from LA and my grandparents flew in from FL – it was the best night of my life and I cannot wait to marry my best friend!
Genna and Neal
New York, New York

What a great story from two people who are obviously sole mates.
Representing all your cousins on L.A., we wish you and your families a huge mazal tov and look forward to meeting Neal.
Neal, welcome to the family!
Marsha and Manny