Article Archive for June 2014

Sometimes, we push really great people away without even realizing it. You may think you’re helping yourself, or even helping your match, but they don’t see it that way. To help you learn to open yourself up to love, here are 7 ways we unknowingly push people away.

In the desert, basic necessities can be difficult to come by. During the Children of Israel’s sojourn in the wilderness…

Dreaming of a bagel and schmear/stroll combo? Or are you more of a curl-up-in-your-PJs with a bowl of a matzo ball soup kind of person? Read on to discover if your noshing has a deeper meaning…

We met in November of 2011; I “hot listed” Barry, and he sent me a message almost right away. I broke every rule I had for myself, he asked me to hang out the following night and I said yes… normally, I would not have done so on such short notice.

The challenge to name the number of tribes of Israel would fall into the category of “easy” by trivia fans. However, the term “The Twelve Tribes of Israel” can be enumerated in different ways at different times. Let’s clarify:The …

If a little harmless summertime flirting has landed you in a summer fling, and you’ve suddenly found yourself crazy-in-love with someone you initially thought would be a “simple summer romance,” then here’s how to turn your breezy fling into something that can endure.

In hookup life there is a great appreciation for a character trait known as z’reezut, which is often translated as zealousness. The word z’reezut actually comes from the root zayin-reish-zayin, which is associated with the concept of haste.Acting w…

Here is the breakdown of what you should and should not do while messaging someone for the first time online.

Whether you are lighting Shabbos candles and hitting the Shul every week, or just love a bowl of matzoh ball soup while watching Seinfeld, there is something to be said for the bond we Jews share with one another. I will continue to sing 100hookup’s praises and feel lucky that it allowed me to find such an amazing woman!

Ohn the son of Pelet was a Reubenite who fell under the sway of a rebellious Levite named Korach. Korach felt that a great injustice had been perpetrated in Aaron’s appointment to the High Priesthood. Why, he challenged, was the leadership completely…