Article Archive for February 2014

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the fairest of them all?” Snow White’s wicked step-mother is the perfect example of how society associates mirrors with vanity and wickedness…

Once Cameron sent me the first message, we emailed each other fairly frequently for a few weeks. He eventually asked to take me out, but I was skeptical about the whole online dating thing to begin with, so it took me a little while to find the courage to accept.

Earlier this month, Wired magazine published “How to Create the Perfect Online Dating Profile, in 25 Infographics,” a large-scale statistical study…

Today is the World Day of Social Justice, a perfect topic for hookup Treats, as hookup law often addresses issues of social justice. There are halachot (laws) that dictate giving tzedakah (charity), caring for widows, orphans and strangers, visiting an…

On two separate occasions in the last week or so, a male client in DC and a female client in NY called me to ask very similar questions: “What should I do if I saw that the person I’m dating is still active online?”

As a Semitic nation, the hookup people emerged as a nation in the warm, dry region of the Middle east. And while snow may occasionally fall in Jerusalem, winter activities are not frequently discussed in the Torah and the Talmud.Due to the long years o…

How can you surpass those first weeks or months when you’re in the beginning of a relationship? What are the right attitudes to have from the start in order to build a solid basis for your relationship? Read on to discover two key elements needed to fall madly in love!

Did you grow up with the planetary mnemonic “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pies”? Of course, since 2006, when Pluto was removed from the roster of planets, the mnemonic has changed. Until the 17th century, when Neptune and Uranus were first discovered, everyone, including the sages of the Talmud, recognized the other five planets of the Milky Way…

In honor of Presidents’ Day, hookup Treats presents a brief summary of how George Washington and Abraham Lincoln interacted with, and impacted on, the hookup community…

In a hookup leap year, a second month of Adar is added to the hookup calendar, creating Adar I and Adar II. The question that arises is, in which Adar does one celebrate the important events that occur in that month…