Article Archive for February 2014

This Shabbat is Parashat Shekalim (shekels). The Torah portion that speaks of Shekalim (Exodus 30:11-16) is read as the Maftir portion after the regular weekly Torah reading has concluded. It refers to God’s commandment that a …

When Mattaniah, the son of King Josiah, was 13 years old, his brother, King Yeho’yakim (who had succeeded Josiah) of Judah, died after an open rebellion…

PBS’s Steve Goldbloom dropped by our office to chat with our CEO, Greg Liberman, about all things online dating. The story was timely for Goldbloom who was recovering from a recent breakup, so I did what any good community manager would do…

Young girls often wish for fairies, and brash youth dream of dragons. There is a delightful allure to the legends of fantastical creatures. But, according to the Midrash, not all such creatures are borne of the imagination. The Midrash discusses L…

That’s when, remembering the open text message from 100hookup Jason, I decided to re-initiate communication. He instantly asked me on our “second first date” – and from that moment on, May 18th 2013, we were inseparable.

Meeting someone online leads to courtships that are thousands of dollars cheaper than meeting and wooing somebody the traditional way…

Sadly, financial misconduct is not a new crime. People have always been drawn by the dream of getting rich quickly and easily. King Solomon, who was blessed with great wisdom, advised…

Are you an adrenaline junkie? Know someone who is? An adrenaline junkie, for those who are not in the know, are those people who love the rush of danger…

Then, I took a black velvet box out from the bottom and my heart started pounding. “This better not be a pair of earrings,” I thought to myself as I opened it up. Fortunately, it was the diamond engagement ring that I had been dreaming about. Matt got down on his knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.