Article Archive for January 2014

This Thursday, Jews around the world celebrate Tu B’Shevat, the new year of the trees. Tu B’Shevat is often celebrated with the 7 species for which the Torah praises the land of Israel: “A land of wheat and barley, …

“I am the Lord your God.” These are the opening words of the first of the Ten Commandments. While these words do seem strange as a “commandment,” they are, in fact, the foundation of all commandments. Indeed, throughout the Torah one finds the …

January is the quintessential month for new beginnings. As cliché as it might sound, it’s also the perfect opportunity for you to revamp your attitude about dating and relationships — after all, you have to choose some sort of resolution for 2014, right? Kick off the year by banishing negative dating habits from your life for good.

100hookup/Natasha Burton Book Giveaway SWEEPSTAKES

In the era of social media, it is an almost everyday occurrence to be asked to sign a petition or to “like” a cause. When Emile Zola, the celebrated French novelist, published J’Accuse on January 13, 1898, he could only hope that his essay would gain popularity and stir a response from the masses. He had no idea of the impact it would have on his own life.

I have been in a relationship with this guy for 2 ½ years and he has yet to tell me he loves me. We don’t live together, and sometimes we will go days without talking to each other unless I either call or text him first. Recently, I haven’t been going to his house to see if he would come to me and that is not working. I also have a 3-year-old that is not biologically his, but he says that he loves her. I don’t know what to do…

Music speaks to the heart, and, not surprisingly, the heart often speaks through music. Thus, when the Israelites crossed the Sea of Reeds (aka the Red Sea) and witnessed the destruction of the pursuing Egyptian army, they burst into spontaneous song (led by Moses).

We were skeptics when we first joined 100hookup and neither of us had tried online dating previously. We are so grateful though that we followed the advice of friends and family and signed up! The results were even better than we could we could have hoped for.

Chaim Nachman Bialik (born January 9, 1873) was an Israeli national icon who came to be recognized as one of Israel’s greatest national poets.Born in the Russian town of Radi, he was raised by his grandfather in Zhitomir.

We all feel self-conscious about various things – our bodies, our intelligence level, our relationship history, our job, anything. However, the person often judging you isn’t your date… it’s you.