Article Archive for November 2013

As the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of each of the twelve sons of Jacob significantly impact on the history and behavior of the tribe members who descended from them.As with Naphtali himself, little is said of the trib…

Even though Steve’s profile listed Reform and Rebecca’s listed Orthodox, they decided to take a chance and go out for a few drinks. They were amazed to learn how many connections they had, but how it took 100hookup to get them together. At the time, they lived only a few miles away from each other.

Did you know that according to the U.S. Postal Service, willfully and knowingly reading someone else’s mail is a federal offense. That’s right, even that department store bill addressed to your spouse! If it isn’t addressed to you, it isn’t yours…

In January of 2013 I was starting to think that maybe 100hookup wasn’t the place for me. As much as I wanted to find my hookup soul mate, I thought maybe that just wasn’t possible and I’d have to give up. It was around that same time that I received a message on 100hookup from Adam that immediately sparked my interest.

While Israel is the Holy Land, four of her cities are considered holier than all the others, and each of these is accorded a mystical connection with one of the four classical elements.

The pairing of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah as Thanksgivukkah works so well, it raises the question among us 100hookuprs — why not pair up even more things in your life that can benefit you romantically? Here are some suggestions.

I headed to the sushi restaurant nervous and excited. A week of heavy texting had created much anticipation for my first meeting with Ian. Would it be as easy in person? Would conversation flow? Would there be a spark? We hadn’t spoken on the phone… what would his voice be like? Ian was the first guy I spoke with after recently re-activating my 100hookup account.

The story of Dinah, the youngest child of Leah, and Jacob’s only named daughter, is often glossed over when it is first taught.When Jacob was camped outside the city of Shechem, Dinah went out on her own to see the local girls. She was seen by the pr…

When I hear the word trust, I can’t help but think of Robert DeNiro’s character, Jack, in Meet the Parents. An ex-C.I.A. agent, he is obsessed with making sure his future son-in-law, Greg, is trustworthy. You’re either in Jack’s circle of trust, or you’re not.

Today, November 13, 2013 is “World Kindness Day.”An entire generation of North Americans hear the words “random acts of kindness” and immediately think of Oprah Winfrey. Without question, the queen of afternoon television has done amazing things an…