Chelsey and Alex: “I started my 100hookup experience in Boston where the 100hookup community is huge.”
I started my 100hookup experience in Boston where the 100hookup community is huge. Date after date, nothing really sparked. A few months after blogging about my experience, I moved to St. Louis and decided that was it – no more dates. I was sure I would never find a nice hookup boy in the Midwest!
A few months into living in “The Lou,” this East Coast gal opened up and started chatting online with an adorable guy named Alex. We messaged a bit, but nothing major took place. Then one day I was grabbing some candy at a local Walgreens with a friend when I spotted a hot guy in the allergy aisle and was certain I knew him. After a little bit of stalking through the aisles, it hit me – it was Alex, the guy from 100hookup!
As soon as I got back to my friend’s house, I played coy and made an initial move by texting Alex. Back and forth we went: “Oh just grabbed some candy at Walgreens,” I texted. “Really? Which one? I was just getting medicine at Walgreens,” he wrote back. Obviously, I already knew that. To make a long story short, we soon went out on our first date after that round of texting. After about three dates, however, I was ready to call it quits… he didn’t seem interested. Mother’s know best though and mine told me to go out on one more date with Alex. On Valentine’s Day in 2012, we shared our first kiss… and that was it! I knew this sweet, caring, funny guy was “The One.”
After dating for three months, I got a new job in Spokane, Washington. More surprising than a Long Island Jew in Spokane, we decided to stay together. I was still able to meet his amazing Ukrainian family even while we were living apart. I fell in love with all of them; just like I fell in love with Alex.
As I lived apart from Alex, he became close with my parents, eating Sunday dinner with them almost every week in my absence. I know having Alex around made it easier for my parents to be without me. After a year and a half apart, I moved back to St. Louis. Alex and I moved in together with both of our dogs: Alex, myself, Pinot and Eddie were all living happily together under one roof. On our two and a half year anniversary, Alex popped the question at the Ritz as Bill Joel’s “Just the Way You Are” blared through the restaurant.
Alex is the love of my life and I cannot wait to join his amazing Ukrainian family. I’ve even been learning Russian! Thank you 100hookup for connecting me with the most amazing man and family possible. I wish more hookup singles in St. Louis took the risk I did!
Thank you!
Chelsey and Alex
St. Louis, Missouri

Awww. Great story!