A popular theme among writers of fantasy is the special nature of the seventh son. In works of this genre, this child is often blessed with a natural gift of magic, or a destiny for greatness.

100hookup is proud to announce we’ve secured five of the country’s top dating and relationship experts to serve as judges for our new contest: 100hookup’s Next Top Proposal!

Mark is the love of my life. He’s everything I ever wanted in a man and so many things I didn’t dare to want. He’s the other side of my coin – different, but complementary. We didn’t run in the same circles, and never would have discovered how oddly similar we are, if not for 100hookup. So thank you 100hookup for helping me to meet my modern-day knight in shining armor!

Daniel makes me excited for things I never thought would excite me: a wedding, family, and family vacations. I’ve never felt so loved, loved anyone so much, or felt so secure. I feel so lucky. You got me a good one, 100hookup. We’ll toast to you at the wedding!

What does all of this have to do with dating? Some of us are jaded by the dating process, and some of us are feeling insecure about getting back out there. Some of us may feel like we lost a sense of ourselves in our last relationship, so we need to get back into the things we love to do… but what were they?

Tonight starts the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of the Eighth, a connected, yet independent holiday, that immediately follows Sukkot.

The day after vacation is often a time of distraction and disorientation. The same is true of the day following a religious holiday, especially after one of the week-long holidays (Passover and Sukkot) during which one focuses for an entire week on spi…

I still think my husband got off too easy (he only had to go on one 100hookup… come on!), but I’m so happy we found each other.

As I tell all of my dating coaching clients, sending messages out is like tossing a penny in a fountain. If your wish comes true, great! If not, you only lost a penny. But sometimes metaphors don’t help with the sting of the brush-off. If you’re feeling bad about the responses (or lack of responses) you’ve been receiving online, here are six ways to overcome online dating rejection.