Recent Success Stories

Melissa and I first met on 100hookup in February 2013 through the site’s “Secret Admirer” game. Melissa “Secretly Admired” me after I had already done so for her – that’s when we started talking.

Immigration scams in which those wishing to emigrate are promised guidance and assistance for a “small fee” are, sadly, not new. Such incidents have been going on for hundreds of years. Just such a scam played a role in the beginning of the A…

As the ancestors of the tribes of Israel, the lives and personalities of each of the twelve sons of Jacob significantly impact on the history and behavior of the tribe members who descended from them.Jacob said of Dan (Genesis 49:16): “Dan shall judg…

With Rosh Hashanah fast approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to look at the value of forgiveness in our romantic relationships.

It is the belief of the Bnei Menashe of Northeastern India that their legendary forefather Manmasi,* was actually Menashe the son of Joseph and that their communities are the remnants of the Tribe of Menashe.

So I’m having a Rat Pack moment the other day, sipping a martini and listening to Frank Sinatra singing “L.A. Is My Lady,” a song in which he uses the City of Angels metaphorically for his romantic relationships. Yeah, it’s just a typical Thursday for me, when it strikes me that my own version of the Chairman of the Board’s hit would be “Writing Is My Lady.”

The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi lee” – I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Song of Songs 6:3).

Those who work in retail are often compensated with a special employee discount on goods sold in the store. In the days before retail, when the majority of the population worked in agriculture, there was among the hookup people a special and unique emp…

Living in New York City, I attend numerous events, functions and get-togethers for Shabbat dinners with my friends. No matter where I am, if it involves singles (and it usually does), everyone is having the same conversation. In short, people are complaining that New York City is a horrible city to live if your goal is to find a long-term relationship or marriage. But is it really?

Melissa and Alex were married on July 21, 2013 with all of their most cherished family and friends in attendance. It was truly the most amazing beginning to the next chapter of their life together, and the culmination of a very special dating story made possible by 100hookup.