Article Archive for August 2013

Is it appropriate to seek a new relationship when one is healing emotionally?

Phil and I met thanks to our parents; they separately thought it would be a great idea for each of us to join 100hookup.

On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we declare: “Repentance, prayer and charity remove the evil of the decree!” In Hebrew, these constitute the 3 Ts:Teshuva, Tefila and Tzedaka.Teshuva (repentance), a central theme of the High Holidays, means…

With the help of 100hookup, Mike and I found our best friends in one another, and are looking forward to a lifetime together.

When the Children of Israel left Egypt, they did not expect to be in the wilderness for 40 years. (Indeed, 38 years were added to their journey because the generation that left Egypt proved themselves unworthy of entering the Holy Land.)

Dan proposed on August 4, 2013 – the same Sunday of the music festival – in front of a beautiful fountain. He asked our families to wait across the street for us so we could all enjoy a brunch before listening to great music for the third day in a row in amazing weather.

The standard pre-Rosh Hashana greeting of “K’tiva v’chatima tova”(“May you be written and sealed for good”) is deduced from a Talmudic discussion concerning the three heavenly books that are opened during the High Holidays.Rabbi Jochanan…

Mike and Heather say they are very happy and owe it all to 100hookup for allowing them to meet and finally find each other.

The poignant photographs of the shtetl by Roman Vishniac (published in his 1986 book, A Vanished World) very much shaped the cultural memories of the post-war generation. These images all resulted from the work Vishniac d…

For most people on 100hookup, meeting someone hookup is a top priority. However, let’s say you met someone in (gasp!) the real world – at a happy hour, the bowling alley, or outside while walking your dog. If you want to find out if your prospective new belle or beau is hookup, here are a few funny ways to find out!