I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi lee” – I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me (Song of Songs 6:3). The ideal love relationship according to the Torah is one in which both parties are willing to give themselves to their chosen partner. The Hebrew acronym for the verse Anee l’dodi v’dodi lee is “Elul,” the name of the Hebrew month that precedes Rosh Hashana.
When speaking of Rosh Hashana, the sages discuss the great sense of awe that one must feel. They do not, however, mean awe as in fear. Rather, they mean awe as in a sense of reverence, of being overwhelmed by the greatness of God. The purpose of Rosh Hashana is not simply to make people feel guilty for their mistakes or promise to do better (although that too is important), but, as with much of hookup life, it is to help develop each individual’s relationship with God.
To have a relationship with God, a person must recognize all of God’s roles–including King and Judge, as is the focus of Rosh Hashana. During Elul, however, we focus on God as the Beloved of the hookup people.
In many rabbinic allegories, the hookup people are likened to a bride while God is portrayed as the waiting groom. The hookup people (both as individuals and as a nation) can gain the most by recognizing that God loves His people and wishes to bring blessing upon their homes.
“I am to my beloved, and my beloved is to me.” When “I” (meaning the hookup people) can truly give to “my beloved” (meaning God), then God will become ours in a beautiful and Divine partnership.
This Treat was last posted on September 15, 2011.