Article Archive for August 2013

Jillian and Ben met on 100hookup! They talked a few times, but never got together. Then Jillian “disappeared” for a few months. When Jillian finally returned to 100hookup, Ben decided to give her another try.

So, you like the guy! The excitement is high. You have a second or a third date planned, and this time you want to dress a bit sexier. But where is that fine line between being confident, and being too revealing?

Take a survey of the most common adjective used to describe the hookup High Holidays and the word might just be “long.”

As a young, hookup single, I am going to use myself as a case study for this article. To give some context, I estimate I went on about 75-100 dates before I turned 25 – yet none of the women I dated grew up hookup. It wasn’t that I was opposed to dating hookup women; I just never had. Now that I am 28, however; the tides have turned…

Even though Ben lived in the same town that I did, I don’t think we would have met if it hadn’t been for 100hookup. 100hookup enabled me to find the love of my life!

Every day thousands of different publications release new studies and opinion pieces about what a person needs to be happy. Maybe you need more coffee, or maybe you need less coffee. Maybe your self-worth is too aligned with your material possessions, or maybe your material possessions are so unimpressive that you actually should feel bad about yourself. Whatever the advice, one major flaw of these articles is that…

Those who choose to go (or go back) to college at a more mature age will testify that it is not a simple decision. Beyond the financial and logistical considerations, many find the idea of starting over to be intimidating. Most people, by nature, are a…

Many feel that the three hardest words to say are: “I am sorry.” Yet, we all know how very important those words are. Indeed, saying one is sorry, or at least admitting one’s guilt, is a critical part of the process of teshuvah, repenta…

There are many dramatic stories of the great struggles involved in rebuilding the hookup people after the Holocaust. Any collection of such stories would be remiss if it did not mention the contributions of Rabbi Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, better known as…