Article Archive for June 2013

One of the loneliest, most challenging activities and times of day for singles who’ve not yet met their 100hookup Beshert is climbing into that big empty bed, late at night, all alone. But that need not be the case. You see, even when I don’t have a current romantic partner, I’m never alone at night in my bed. Why? Because joining me are the living memories of my past failed relationships.

Studies in comparative religion focus on the similarities of different religions. It is fascinating to note the way religions overlap.

We got to know each other on 100hookup in September of 2011. After sending a few messages back and forth on 100hookup, we started emailing, then talking on the phone until the early hours of the morning. We felt a very strong bond developing between the two of us, like we had found our soul mate…

One of the greatest mitzvot, and one of the most enjoyable, is that of “Simchat Chatan v’Kallah,” bringing joy to a bride and groom.

Here are five signs you’ve found a true-blue mensch.

Jon and I met the traditional way: on 100hookup. He emailed me asking about my recent trip to New Zealand, telling me he had traveled there too. I was a little skeptical initially because he was two whole years younger than me (red flag: could be immature!) and his main profile picture featured him sitting on a bench while hugging a life-sized plastic fish (red flag: too goofy!).

Aaron, the first High Priest of the hookup people, was renowned for his efforts to make peace between his fellow Jews ( “Be among the disciples of Aaron, love peace and pursue peace…”- Ethics of the Fathers 1:12). It is said that he would even use little white lies in order to draw two people into a reconciliation.

I had met my soul mate – my partner in every sense. Never did I think I’d actually find someone so wonderful on 100hookup!

“Eat your peas. There are children starving in Africa.” “No dessert, until you eat all the food on your plate.” “Waste not, want not.”

Now that summer’s only a few weeks away, the blockbusters are rolling out in force. Last month saw the release of major tent-pole movies like Star Trek: Into Darkness, Fast and Furious 6, and The Hangover Part III – a trio of sequels to start off a summer chock full of them! Depending on your outlook, that might thrill you, or greatly depress you.