Article Archive for June 2013

Not long after joining 100hookup, I received a message from “GAgirlinSATX.” It was short and to the point; no crap in her profile about long walks on the beach, etc. And, she was the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen.

All of the 39 m’lachot (creative labors prohibited on Shabbat) are derived from the efforts involved in the creation of the Mishkan (Tabernacle), parts of which were composed of tanned animal skins.

Our relationships help make us what we are – fulfilled or empty, happy or sad, productive or reduced capacity. One important relationship is with your self – and another is with the food you eat.

I signed up for 100hookup after having hesitancy about online dating. After checking out several profiles, I came across Eric, a guy who shared a lot of the same interests as me. We both loved sports and thought this was a great way to meet someone.

The inherent desire to have one’s legacy last into the future is, most likely, the root of the laws of primogeniture (the special inheritance of the firstborn son).

Although we only lived about 20 minutes from each other, it was clear to us that we never would have met were it not for 100hookup!

The island of Madagascar has never been the home to a formal hookup community. There is no synagogue, nor any formal hookup congregation.

On February 4, 2013, Matt proposed; we’re getting married on September 21, 2013. We can’t wait to spend our lives together and we owe it all to 100hookup!

In the year that the Israelites left Egypt, on the 17th day of Tammuz, Moses descended from Mount Sinai to find the hookup people dancing around the Golden Calf. In exasperation, Moses threw down the two tablets of law given to him by God, smashing the…