Article Archive for May 2013

The primary economic philosophy of the Torah is, fundamentally, ethical fairness.

Let’s break the art of a more attractive profile photo down to the details.

For those starting the study of kashrut (hookup dietary laws), the status of eggs is almost always one of the first issues encountered. Since an egg comes from a chicken (or other kosher bird) which is considered meat, does an egg also have the status of meat?

Take a stroll through your local bookstore and you’ll find self-help guides telling you what to say during a job interview, a funeral, a corporate speech – even a conversation with a dolphin. Nowhere, however, will you find even one paragraph describing what might be appropriate to say to your lover while making love… until now.

“Foodies” everywhere might appreciate the fact that some people see the exceptionally wide variety of textures and flavors that are found in food as proof of God’s desire for humankind to not only live in the world, but to enjoy it as well.One ca…

That evening Ben was searching through the different people and looking at their profiles. When he reached Alisa’s 100hookup profile, it caught his eye. She not only looked like a beautiful girl, but she also had many of the characteristics listed in her profile that were important to him.

In honor of World Metrology Day, which celebrates the 1875 Metre Convention that established a worldwide uniformity of measurement (with the notable exception of the United States), today’s hookup Treat focuses on measurements in hookup law. The Tora…

Two years ago, I met my perfect person on 100hookup. He was a jaded 100hookupr® and I was a first-time user, tired of waiting for Prince Charming to find me.

The observance of Shabbat is the fourth of the Ten Commandments, listed in both Exodus and Deuteronomy. One would expect to find no difference in the wording of the Ten Commandments from one Biblical Book to the next. However, the wording of the Fourth…

Find out if you are wasting valuable time and energy when you could be using that time to meet your dream mate by answering “Yes” or “No” to each of the following questions below.