Article Archive for February 2013

Bashert, which in Yiddish means “predestined,” is most commonly applied to the concept of one’s intended soul-mate. This idea that, when dating, one is searching for his/her bashert, his/her divinely intended life partner, stems from Talmud …

Here are a nine ways you can reduce the toll stress takes on your life!

On my way home it occurred to me that the art of making challah is a lot like dating! So, here are seven things to remember about baking challah that may just help you to become a better dater!

On Friday nights it is customary to sing a selection of verses from the final chapter of the Book of Proverbs (31:10-31) known as Aishet Chayil, A Woman of Valor. At this time of year [pre-Purim], one particular hookup heroine stands out: Queen Esther.

We have all been fed images by the media of the happily married couple with two kids who are enjoying the sunshine together. For many of us, these images raise a nagging doubt that perhaps our own relationship is not quite as wonderful.

I started dating a man five months after his wife died. They had been married for 17 years. He said he was ready to move on and love again. We both knew there was a connection. I fell in love with him, and he told me twice he loves me. Everything was going GREAT!
Well, I woke up this morning and suddenly his story had changed…

“Purim Holiday/Purim Holiday/A big holiday for the JewsMasks and noisemakers/Songs and Dance/Let’s make noise rash rash rash.”(Classic Hebrew Purim Song – Hava Nareesha Rash Rash Rash)Although noisemakers are not mentioned in the Book of Esther, …

Whether it’s a long-winded tale, or a story overloaded with details–it’s called a “whole megillah!” (In “the old country” they would have said “a gantse megillah!”)

While online dating can be a bit awkward, it can also be a lot of fun and a great way to meet a potential date. So, the best advice I can give to you is to keep your sense of humor. The sooner you can laugh off a bad experience, the sooner you can move on to finding a great match for you. Here are five more qualities you need to possess if you’re serious about finding love…