5 Qualities Of A Successful Online Dater
Online dating is not for the faint of heart. I must give you fair warning that it’s possible you will face some of life’s most uncomfortable moments while on a date with a guy you met on the internet. While online dating can be a bit awkward, it can also be a lot of fun and a great way to meet a potential date. So, the best advice I can give to you is to keep your sense of humor. The sooner you can laugh off a bad experience, the sooner you can move on to finding a great match for you. Here are five more qualities you need to possess if you’re serious about finding love:
1. A Natural Curiosity
Slow down there detective, I said “natural curiosity,” not what is his social security number? While it’s healthy to want to do a little digging on a guy you met online, finding his childhood best friend and calling him to confirm his identity is a bit extreme.
2. Confidence
I know you’re likely feeling a bit bloated and insecure as we’re still stuck in February’s chilly grasp, but give your Spanks that final tug, throw on some sexy heels and pretend like you’re not. If the Spanks and heels don’t do the confidence trick, have a glass of wine, then check yourself out again. Everyone always looks hotter after a drink (do not repeat this multiple times, or you will never make it to your date).
3. Persistence
Once you’ve been on more than a few online dates, you will join with me in hating those girls who go out on one date and meet their husbands. Let’s be honest, the chances of that happening are unlikely. However, the chances of you going on several unsuccessful dates before finding “The One” are much more likely. So, don’t give up after a few bad dates. Oh, and know you’re not alone in hating those “my husband was the first guy I met on 100hookup” girls.
4. Courage
I’ve been on countless dates, and I still think about cancelling before each one and have to give myself a pep talk as I walk in. Needless to say, meeting a complete stranger can be a bit nerve-racking, but don’t ever let that stop you from getting out there and meeting new people. Again, if humming “I’m sexy and I know it” on your walk over doesn’t calm the nerves, then go ahead and have a glass of wine before meeting up (see note above).
5. Patience
If he likes you, he will call, so wait for him to call you. However, when it comes to a first kiss, feel free to throw patience out the window and just go for it!

I am a 62 year old man who has never been married. I began to notice in my mid thirties women increasingly asking if i had ever been married and when I said no most immediately lost interest. Hence with that kind of response of course I never DID get married as each succeeding women followed the pattern set by the previous women. I continue to be rejected often without even a first meeting. A phone call or even an email is enough to send the women packing. My question: I say I’m single in my profile but should I be even more upfront and say I HAVE NEVER BEEN MARRIED AND IF THAT IS OF CONCERN TO YOU WE WOULD NOT BE A GOOD MATCH. I would do such a thing cuz I’m tired of getting rejected telling them the truth at THAT time. Better perhaps to put it out right away and scare off those who will not give me a chance. I realize I will be down to a very very few respondents if I carry out this urge to be so upfront but what I ‘m doing now is not working much better. What say you? Please reply. Thanx David