Article Archive for Year 2012

And it was in the ninth year of [King Zaddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth month, on the tenth (day) of the month, that Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, came, he and all his legions, upon Jerusalem, and encamped upon it and built forts around it. And the…

“I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah; and even though he may tarry, nevertheless, I wait each day for his coming.” – Prosaic formula of the 13 Principles of Faith set down by Rabbi Moses ben Maimon (Maimonides/Rambam).

If you’ve been single for years and are constantly lamenting that “all the good ones are taken,” or are always dating the same type of woman who consistently breaks your heart two months in to the relationship, there may be a simple solution for your dating dilemmas. According to Candace Silvers, a human behavior specialist in Los Angeles, the problem behind your rocky relationships may be YOU!

When perusing the list of the generations of Jacob found in Genesis 46, one gets a strange sense that there was a powerful genetic predisposition in Jacob’s family for male children. Jacob had thirteen children – twelve sons and one daughter. Among the 67 descendants traveling to Egypt with Jacob, there are listed 53 grandsons and one granddaughter: “The sons of Asher: Yimnah and Yishvah and Yishvi and Vriah and Serach their sister” (Genesis 46:17).

My question: It has been over thirty years since I have dated and things have changed a lot. Is it appropriate for me to contact a man that I first notice on 100hookup? Or does that send the wrong message?

Ten years ago, the favorite catch phrase of media pundits was the expression “disposable society.” Critics of Western society complained, and still do complain, of there being a generational demand for “instant gratification.” This need has not diminished as people have filled their lives with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos to get what they want more quickly.

It started while I was on 100hookup at work, my blinking online light aglow. Dennis started to chat with me immediately; the computer had just barely opened my page. Little did I know it was the last day of his 100hookup subscription and I was no longer a member. It was an intervention from above!

So you’re in a good place to date and meet someone for a “serious” relationship — now what? There are many great offline ways to meet very eligible singles: I know, I’ve been there and done that! As someone who essentially makes a living going out and socializing with single people, my dates are often stunned when they realize I still use an online dating site to find myself matches.

Politics do not change much from millennium to millennium. There have always been superpowers, great and powerful nations, vying for control of the world. In the seventh century B.C.E., the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah found themselves in the u…

Chanukah is neither directly ordained in the Torah (like Rosh Hashana, Passover, etc.) nor mentioned in any other biblical text (as Purim is in the Book of Esther). The Books of Maccabees are not included in the Biblical canon, because these events occ…