Article Archive for October 2012

The playfulness and mystique of Halloween always makes it a great time to connect with potential dates. The trouble is you can never judge a person by their costume… or can you? Sure, Halloween’s a time to live out your greatest fantasies, but are those capes and fishnets really saying something deeper? Consider this article your guide to decoding the hidden meaning woven into your date’s costume.

Dating ADD appears to have arisen out of our inborn compulsive tendencies and is worsened by easy access to hand-held technology and to a seemingly endless supply of desirable people online.

“It was taught: There is no measure [of reward] for visiting the sick. What is meant by, ‘there is no measure for visiting the sick?’ Rabbi Joseph thought to explain that: Its reward is unlimited…. Rabbi Abba son of Rabbi Hanina said: He who visits an invalid takes away a sixtieth of his pain” (Nedarim 39b).

It’s well known money is one of the leading causes of divorce. In fact, couples fight about finances on an average of three times per month – more than children, chores, and work. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Read on to discover five great tips to ensure a healthy separation of love and wallet.

On 13 MarCheshvan, 1960, Rabbi Haim Nahum Effendi passed away in Cairo, and thousands of people – Jews, Muslims and Christians – attended his funeral.

At the end of the patriarch Jacob’s life, Joseph brings his sons to his father for a blessing. This scene, recorded in Genesis 48, includes a seemingly odd statement by Jacob: “And as for me, when I came from Padan, Rachel died in the land of Canaan on the road…and I buried her there in the way to Ephrath, which is Bethlehem” (Genesis 48:7).

I’m always a little reluctant to share with people where I’m from. When asked, I start by saying I’m from “Miami,” giving them a general taste and geographical contextual idea that I’m from the southern part of Florida (which should never be confused with the conservative, accent drawling ‘ridians from the North).

For 10 years, I suffered from a flying phobia. I travelled only to areas I could reach by car, train, or bus, plagued by the voice in my head that “what if’d” incessantly: What if the plane crashes? What if I have a panic attack on board? What if the people on my flight think I’m nuts? What if I fly there but can’t get back on the plane to come home and have to miss work? What if I die before getting to accomplish my goals in life? And on and on. It was a severely limiting mindset, to the point where I missed out on job opportunities, vacations, weddings, and visits with friends. Eventually, I conquered my fear through a local, flying phobia program (thank you, Dr. Forgione!), and while I still don’t love to fly, I try my best not to let my fears rule my life.

After the cocktail waitress hit on Josh and I got jealous, I knew I had a major crush.