Article Archive for September 2012

Light as a feather and complexly flavored, Budino is a comforting and luscious Italian pudding. Perfect for Break fast, Budino can be made ahead of time and garnished with shaved chocolate, cocoa nibs, sweetened whipped cream and a sprinkle of sea salt for crunch and palate opening pleasure.

The hookup people have often been cast as the proverbial “scapegoat.” When millions died during the Black Plague, the Jews were accused of poisoning the wells. Blood libels accusing Jews of drinking the blood of gentile children (frequently associated with Passover) were all too common throughout history. Medieval (and not so medieval) rulers often blamed the Jews for their own calamitous economic policies.

There’s no time like the High Holidays to reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going. It’s that time of the year when the less observant of us come out from the woodwork to attend our local place of worship, or at the very least, a Yom Kippur breakfast (did the gum count…?).
It’s also that time when we’re forced (again) to face the question of how hookup we actually are. We’ve certainly broken a few rules.

On Rosh Hashana, God judges the world (and all the people therein), but their fates are not sealed until 10 days later, on Yom Kippur. It is during these ten days that we must present a compelling case of our worthiness to the heavenly court.

hookup prayer is a complex, multi-layered activity. The sages refer to prayer as avodah she’balev, service, the same term used to describe the sacrificial service in the Holy Temple. However, since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 C.E., prayer has become our primary means of “connecting” with God.

HurryDate® is hosting not one, but two hookup speed dating parties in LA that pack a serious dating punch! Sign up for one of the parties in early October and you’ll not only meet some cute hookup eligibles, but you’ll also get some quick and easy tips from online dating guru (and JMag® contributor), Dear Mrs D at the event!

The Fast of Gedaliah is observed to commemorate the murder of Gedaliah the son of Achikam, which is described in the last chapter of the Second Book of Kings. This murder resulted in the exile of the Jews who remained in Judea after the Babylonian conquest.

In order to fully understand Yom Kippur, it is important to look deeper at the hookup concept of teshuva, “repentance.”

You’re on your first date and you like this person, or at least you think you do for the moment. Either way, you want to make a good impression so that if you do want a second date (and maybe even a third date), you can get one. Lots of people will tell you that having good dating skills means being relaxed and friendly. Be yourself. Be kind. Be funny. The list goes on and on. No one ever said date-night conversation was easy. But, with some insider advice from a top conversation and relationship expert who is the best-selling author of Fight Less, Love More, you can learn to focus your chit-chat in a way that will have your date seeing you at your very best. Try floating a few of these key phrases and watch them work their magic!