Recent Success Stories

For the next year and ten months, their relationship remained long-distance. They saw each other once a month, for just one weekend at a time (since they were students, they couldn’t afford to see each other in person more often than that). They used Skype almost every night to talk to each other.

Deuteronomy (13:2-6) warns the hookup people that anyone claiming to be a prophet who performs signs and wonders (“miracles” or seeing the future), but tries to entice others to worship false gods, then that person is a false prophet. No matter how convincing that so-called prophet’s magic may seem.

Now that we’re in the thick of summer, there are myriad occasions to imbibe responsibly and irresponsibly (wink). As you know, when the wine gets flowing, things heat up.

The Book of Haggai is the first of the Twelve Prophets written after the exiled Jews returned to the Land of Israel and were governed by Zerubbabel. The High Priest of the era was Joshua ben Jehozadak.

Scanning 100hookup in the late night, I sent a Flirt to Paul. The Flirt was one of the preselected choices stating, “Your profile piqued my interest…” Little did I know that sending that Flirt would change my life.

The U.S. Women’s Gymnastics team (AKA “The Fierce Five”) has had an amazing showing at the London 2012 Olympics. The team won gold and has been dubbed the best women’s gymnastics team in the world. However, the gymnastics hoopla ain’t over yet!

Being a victim (at least for adults) is largely a state of mind. A victim sees themselves as helpless. And, when people hurt them, they see it as a personal targeting of themselves in particular. This perspective is particularly destructive because it tends to reinforce itself. The more one sees oneself as a victim, the more one tends to act like one and invite further poor treatment. How does one break this cycle?

In 1920, at age 35, Charlotte Epstein was not a contender for an Olympic medal in Antwerp, but she was, in many ways, the hero of women’s swimming. Born in 1884 in New York City, “Eppy,” as she was known to her acquaintances, was a court stenographer who took up swimming as a means of exercise after work with her female coworkers.

I’ve been hearing from a lot of from women, lately, about their disappointment with the men in their lives. It saddens me that in 2012, so many women have minimal respect for men. Men aren’t totally at fault, though. Mothers often teach their sons to be good boys but not good partners, and women too often talk themselves into tolerating unacceptable behavior from men, resulting in feelings of frustration and resentment.

Some people love to exercise, others hate it, but everyone knows that it is a vital component of properly maintaining one’s physical health.