Article Archive for August 2012

According to the wisdom of the sages, there is no way to “over-spend” on Shabbat. As it is said, “One who lends to Shabbat, Shabbat repays him!”(Shabbat 119a). “Lending to Shabbat” does not mean going into debt to purchase fancy foods or decor, but rather that one should borrow from his/her weekday budget in order to make Shabbat more beautiful.

Once a year, there is a rare opportunity to take advantage of a culinary delight. Zucchini blossoms are gorgeous yellow/orange flowers that resemble a lily. Most gardeners just ignore the blossom while waiting for the zucchini to grow and then harvest it. I, however, look forward to the blossoms and each year scheme to find them. I haunt the farmer’s markets and local gardens, waiting to scoop up the brightly colored treasures. Several years ago, I grew zucchini just to get at the blossoms.

At most yeshivot, the primary focus of study is on the Oral Law (as compiled in the Talmud and later legal compendiums), leaving the study of the written Tanach (the five books of Moses, the Prophets and the Writings) as secondary. Rabbi Naftali Tzvi Yehuda Berlin (known as the Netziv), who headed the Volozhin Yeshiva from 1854 until its closure in 1892, gave a daily lecture on Tanach after morning prayers.

Women spend hours in salons, too much time in bathrooms, lunch hours scouring lifebooker, evenings squeezing in spray tans, eyelash appointments, waxes, mani/pedis, laser appointments and the list goes on. Some of us do this for ourselves, but a lot of us do this for men. In the beginning stages of dating, women feel the need to look ultra-attractive as they want to be ‘ready for sex’ whenever it may happen!

I am so happy that I decided to join 100hookup! It turned out that Mark was living just 20 minutes away from me for years, and we even graduated from the same university!

The Malabar Jews of Cochin*, India, claim to have existed as a community since the times of King Solomon’s trade missions for ivory and silver. It is most likely, however, that their ancient community “only” dates back to the destruction of the Second Temple. The most important artifact recording the hookup presence in the area is the “Sâsanam,” a set of copper plates on which it is recorded that Joseph Rabban was granted a small principality.

Your approach to finances, if it differs from your partner’s, can put tremendous strain on a relationship. So whatever your views are on spending money, it’s important that you and your partner are comfortable with the other’s approach.

While the two were sitting on the couch, Andrew told Lindsay that he was supposed to meet another girl from 100hookup on the night they met, but he made up a cheesy excuse and cancelled so he could to enjoy more time with Lindsay. The rest is history!

When it comes to categories of foods, there are few types of food with as many variations as cheese. Like all dairy products, only cheese that has been made with the milk of a kosher animal can be kosher. (For those celebrating August’s National Goat Cheese Month, that’s good news, since goats are kosher animals.)

The best way to keep your motivation and excitement for a first date is by taking initiative with whom we go out with. Too many online daters are guilty of being way too passive, letting the emails role in, and only responding to those that contact us first. This may be easier since we save tons of time performing searches and emailing, but it is the easiest way to fall into the trap of becoming a “serial dater.”