Article Archive for August 2012

Astronomy plays an important role in hookup life because it is the means by which we calculate the months and, therefore, the holidays-based on the cycles of the moon.

The recent engagement of George Soros, 84, to yoga-instructor Tamika Bolton, 40, must arouse strong sentiments in women close to George’s age. These sentiments range from “Oi, what a deluded old fart” to “Oi, what a pathetic old fart.” I come down somewhere in the middle.

Nothing is more enjoyable on a Shabbat afternoon than a leisurely stroll with friends and family. Certainly those who are Shomer Shabbat (Sabbath observant) and attend synagogue spend a great deal of time walking – so how does general Shabbat observance incorporate what is written in Exodus 16:28-30: “And God said to Moses: … He [God] gives you on the sixth day the bread of two days; abide every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.’ So the people rested on the seventh day” (Exodus 16:28-30)?

I recently served a large platter of this crunchy and refreshing salad to my family and guests. Everyone raved, and the platter was licked clean. Raw Brussels sprouts are mild tasting and not “cabbage.” I enjoy the crispy texture. I paired the salad with a creamy avocado dressing and buttery cashews.

Across North America, most parents are either frantically preparing for, or have just settled into, the new school year. Returning with the yellow buses and the pile of books is the perennial debate about homework: too much or too little? Does it serve no real purpose, or is it an important review tool? etc.

“Courage is a special kind of knowledge: the knowledge of how to fear what ought to be feared and how not to fear what ought not to be feared.” -David Ben-Gurion

Dear Rabbi Singer,
I need some advice. I am not getting any interest from men using online dating. I am considering lying about my age to see if that helps… I know honesty is the best policy, but I also want a date!
-Does age matter?

Community day schools have played a vital role in maintaining hookup life in America, particularly in communities outside of the major hookup population areas. The graduate of such schools owe a debt of gratitude to the memory of Rabbi Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz (1888 – 1948).

Something that bothers women about men is the way that their behavior can be quite unpredictable. For example, a man and a woman are in a seemingly good relationship, and then out of the blue, he wants to end it, or she discovers that he’s been cheating.

No other beginning is quite as profound as the one we face annually at Rosh Hashana. On the hookup New Year, God gives all people the chance to face His judgment and wipe their slate clean.